If someone is stalking you on your website, here's what you do. This method is
all in JavaScript so it works on Tumblr. Of course.. that means that for a
stalker to get around it, they can just disable JavaScript in their browser.
To prevent that, hide the <body>
element with CSS, and show that element when
JavaScript is loaded.
Click "Edit HTML" in the theme customizer. Paste this code after the <head>
<!-- js-stalker code -- https://github.com/nikolas/js-stalker -->
// Configure the blocker here:
var stalker = {
forward: 'http://example.org/stop-stalking-me!!!!',
ip_addresses: [''],
whitelist_ip_addresses: [''],
cities: ['Seattle', 'Olympia'],
states: ['OR'],
proxies: true
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
// stalker.js
function proxyBlock(a){document.URL!=stalker.forward&&"Y"==a.proxy&&(window.location=stalker.forward)}
function jsStalkerGet(a){document.URL==stalker.forward||(-1==stalker.ip_addresses.indexOf(a.geoplugin_request)&&-1==stalker.cities.indexOf(a.geoplugin_city)&&-1==stalker.states.indexOf(a.geoplugin_region)||-1!=stalker.whitelist_ip_addresses.indexOf(a.geoplugin_request))||(window.location=stalker.forward);stalker.proxies&&$.ajax({url:"http://4gods.nl/~nik/proxyblock.php",type:"GET",data:{ip:a.geoplugin_request,format:"jsonp"},crossDomain:!0,dataType:"jsonp",jsonp:"cb",jsonpCallback:"proxyBlock"})}
<script src="http://www.geoplugin.net/json.gp?jsoncallback=jsStalkerGet" type="application/javascript"></script>
<!-- end js-stalker -->
If you want to still see who gets caught in the blocker in your StatCounter, make sure the StatCounter code is before the js-stalker code.
var stalker = { forward: 'http://example.org/stop-stalking-me!!!!' };
If you want to block them from going to your site at their house, find their IP address with StatCounter - http://statcounter.com/.
var stalker = { ip_addresses: [''] };
Allow certain IP's to get through by putting them in the whitelist:
var stalker = { whitelist_ip_addresses: [''] };
To block anyone in Seattle or Olympia:
var stalker = { cities: ['Seattle', 'Olympia'] };
js-stalker can block users that are suspected of using an anonymous proxy like Tor or hidemyass.com.
var stalker = { proxies: true };