- Flutter: Version 3.13.2 (channel stable)
- Dart: Version 3.1.0
- DevTools: Version 2.25.0
- When starting the project with an existing backend that uses the JSON transport protocol, install and use the "Dart Data Class" or "JsonToDart" Plugin for IntelliJ. This way, you don't need to write model classes by hand.
- App Icon: run in terminal 'dart run flutter_launcher_icons:main'
- Splash Screen: run in terminal 'dart run flutter_native_splash:create'
- Hive Adapters: run in terminal 'dart run build_runner build' on first build and every time you make changes on the model classes
- Environment Variables: For security reasons, they are not checked in into Version Control. Get the ".env" file from developer and add it to the root folder
- To check for any unused dependencies, run "dart run dependency_validator"
- Add to 'local.properties: flutter.minSdkVersion=21 flutter.compileSdkVersion=33 flutter.targetSdkVersion=33
- Add file 'key.properties' file to build release version
- Add file 'google-services.json' from firebase console (https://console.firebase.google.com/u/2/project/oeko-shop/settings/general/android:io.winkler_software.oeko_shop.bio_courier) to enable notifications
- In the "pubspec.yaml" file, when doing any changes to the code base, update the version code according to the following convention:
- X: Release of a new app version
- Y: Major change in functionality, added feature or fix of app breaking bug
- Z: Minor changes (e.g. design, performance, refactoring) and bug fixes; update at least after push to dev
- V: Version code that indicates the app store release number