Volunteer examiner check list for amateur radio test sessions
- Minimum of 3 VE's, 4 is better
- A Windows laptop with the Laurel VEC software installed
- Minimum 2 mobile devices with ZipGrade installed
- Need to provide group code to activate and load answer sheets
- Printer - See tub inventory
- phone to contact Cory
- Stand to organize manila folders
- File back up location for Laurel critical files.
- SAT Certified calculater
- The Tub
- Lopez: Library Common Room
- SJ: Friday Harbor Commons building
- Old FH Fire Station
- Required for testing session
- automatically puts announcement on Laurel Site
- Lopez Rocks
- The Islands' Weekly
- Laurel VEC session announcement - occurs when entering testing session
- Optional: ARRL VEC announcement
- Set the time when VE's should arrive
- Assign exam session leader (person running computer)
- Assign tester leader (team interacting with testers and grading tests)
- Need to fill-in & return a sign up form located here
- Verify that they have filled in their email address.
- Getting an FCC Registration Number (FRN) in the Universal Licensing System (ULS)
- Youtube FCC User Profile and FRN Registration for New Radio Operators (4:21)
- Alliviates SSN requirement
- Includes new testees without an Amateur license
- Need process for getting walk-ins FRN, how-to and laptop?
- VEs should show up half hour in advance
- Testees should be given paperwork to fill out as soon as they arrive
- VEs
- One VE inputs data on the computer
- Two VEs have ZipGrade on their mobile devices and are availabe for questions.
- Sign in & show ID
- General & Extra testees need to bring a copy of their current license or CSCE if upgraded license hasn't been issued yet.
All initial paper work completed, hand out exams to testees
- Testees need to put the correct exam number on their exam and element
- VE should walk around & confirm correct exam number is on their exam
- Tell everone else to PLEASE BE QUIET
- Make sure all phones are off the table and no programable calculators used.
- Remind testees to not write on the test booklet. Use back of answer sheet for scratch paper.
Testees that passed their exam need to have their CSCE
Testees need to have signatures match what they printed
- No smiley faces
print the 605/CSCE and NOT 'close out' the testee until the 605 has been received and signature checked.
- Make sure the testee VERIFIES their name/address on 605 when they sign it.
If testee fails an exam, another exam may be given. (Max of three tries if getting closer to passing)
On the 605, don't need candidate to initial top section, unless they are requesting callsign change
If testee passes an exam be sure they get their CSCE
Order of Events
- Fill out form
- Take test
- Grade test
- Enter results into Session Software
- Check if wants to take next test, else continue
- Print CSCE and 605
- Have tester sign CSCE (they keep) and sign 605 (we keep)
- Give 605 back to session lead, they check it off in software and file (staple) items in this order
- 605
- Answer sheet (pass first, then any fails)
- Sign in sheet and/or copy of license
- Review test booklets to make sure nobody wrote in them.
- Check results match paperwork
- Send kenny/cory the .enc file (generated by FCC file upload tab in software)
- Needs to be pushed to Laurel site, under session. Will automatically be scheduled to send to FCC
- Assemble packet
- Summary Report (from software)
- List of Applicant (from software, Tool/Print List of Applicants)
- signed in form of VE's
- packet of tester papers (605,Answer Sheet,SignInSheet,copy of license)
- Assemble all artifacts in single PDF and upload to Laurel site as part of the session
If Kenny is not present be sure to exclude his name from VE roster
Packet content files
- From each testee
- Answer sheet
- 605.pdf
- csce.pdf
- SessionSummary.pdf
- VESignIn.pdf
- BYSJCARS220622A0.enc (example file name)
- From each testee
Create tar.xz file for VEC session on June 22
tar --xz -cvf LopezVESession0622.tar.xz AnswerSheetBob.pdf AnswerSheetDoug.pdf 605Bob.pdf 605Doug.pdf csceBob.pdf csceDoug.pdf SessionSummary.pdf BYSJCARS220622A0.enc
- Verify contents of tar.xz file
tar -tvf LopezVESession0622.tar.xz
- VEs auditing the session need to PLEASE BE QUIET
- Still need to generate the following files, even if no tests were given, to get credit for the session.
- SessionSummary.pdf
- VESignIn.pdf
- Empty or blank .enc file (generate like normal, will complain that empty)