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Move (most of) the type definitions for jkind into Types
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Jkinds are morally mutually recursive with types, since jkinds can contain
types (in the with-bounds) and types can be bounded on jkinds (eg for Tvar and
Tunivar). We previously "broke up" this recursion with a type parameter for
type_expr on the bits of Jkind.t that contain type_exprs, and by defining two
modules, Jkind_types and Jkind - the first with the type parameter, and the
second with the parameter instantiated to Types.type_expr. This has caused a lot
of headache and confusion, is hard to follow (you lose jump-to-definition, among
other things) and generally puts friction on algorithms for kinds that need to
do things with type_exprs (which we're about to do a lot more, for normalizing
of jkinds).

Instead, this commit starts the (multi-stage) process of splitting up jkind,
starting by just moving the type definitions (omitting sort and layout so far)
into, in the same recursive type declaration as type_expr. This
simplifies things a /lot/, without really losing much in terms of things being
broken up (the algorithms are still just defined in!
  • Loading branch information
glittershark committed Jan 14, 2025
1 parent 6270b24 commit 41f8829
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378 changes: 281 additions & 97 deletions typing/

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186 changes: 88 additions & 98 deletions typing/jkind.mli

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259 changes: 0 additions & 259 deletions typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -521,262 +521,3 @@ module Layout = struct
| Product of t list

module With_bounds = struct
module Type_info = struct
type +'type_expr t =
{ type_expr : 'type_expr;
modality : Mode.Modality.Value.Const.t;
nullability : bool

let print ~print_type_expr ppf { type_expr; modality } =
let open Format in
if Mode.Modality.Value.Const.is_id modality
then print_type_expr ppf type_expr
fprintf ppf "(@[%a@ @@@@ %a])" print_type_expr type_expr
Mode.Modality.Value.Const.print modality

let map_type_expr f ({ type_expr; _ } as t) =
{ t with type_expr = f type_expr }

let is_on_axis (type a) ~(axis : a Jkind_axis.Axis.t) t =
match axis with
| Nonmodal Externality -> true (* All fields matter for externality *)
| Nonmodal Nullability -> t.nullability
| Modal axis ->
let (P axis) = Mode.Const.Axis.alloc_as_value (P axis) in
(Mode.Modality.Value.Const.proj axis t.modality
|> Mode.Modality.is_constant)

let compose_modality t ~then_ =
let modality = Mode.Modality.Value.Const.compose t.modality ~then_ in
assert (not (Mode.Modality.Value.Const.is_id modality));
{ t with modality }

let create ~type_expr ~modality ~deep_only =
{ type_expr; modality; nullability = not deep_only }

type (+'type_expr, 'd) t =
| No_with_bounds : ('type_expr, 'l * 'r) t
(* There must always be at least one type. *)
| With_bounds :
'type_expr Type_info.t * 'type_expr Type_info.t list
-> ('type_expr, 'l * Allowance.disallowed) t

let as_list : type l r. (_, l * r) t -> _ = function
| No_with_bounds -> []
| With_bounds (ty, tys) -> ty :: tys

let has_with_bounds : type l r. (_, l * r) t -> _ = function
| No_with_bounds -> false
| With_bounds _ -> true

open Allowance

include Magic_allow_disallow (struct
type ('type_expr, _, 'd) sided = ('type_expr, 'd) t constraint 'd = 'l * 'r

let disallow_left :
type l r. ('type_expr, l * r) t -> ('type_expr, disallowed * r) t =
| No_with_bounds -> No_with_bounds
| With_bounds _ as b -> b

let disallow_right :
type l r. ('type_expr, l * r) t -> ('type_expr, l * disallowed) t =
| No_with_bounds -> No_with_bounds
| With_bounds _ as b -> b

let allow_left :
type l r. ('type_expr, allowed * r) t -> ('type_expr, l * r) t =
| No_with_bounds -> No_with_bounds
| With_bounds _ as b -> b

let allow_right :
type l r. ('type_expr, l * allowed) t -> ('type_expr, l * r) t =
| No_with_bounds -> No_with_bounds

let try_allow_l :
type l r. ('type_expr, l * r) t -> ('type_expr, allowed * r) t option =
| No_with_bounds -> Some No_with_bounds
| With_bounds _ as b -> Some b

let try_allow_r :
type l r. ('type_expr, l * r) t -> ('type_expr, l * allowed) t option =
| No_with_bounds -> Some No_with_bounds
| With_bounds _ -> None

let map_type_expr (type l r) f :
('type_expr, l * r) t -> ('type_expr, l * r) t = function
| No_with_bounds -> No_with_bounds
| With_bounds (ty, tys) ->
let f' = Type_info.map_type_expr f in
With_bounds (f' ty, f' tys)

let types_on_axis (type l r a) ~(axis : a Jkind_axis.Axis.t) :
(_, l * r) t -> _ = function
| No_with_bounds -> []
| With_bounds (ti, tis) ->
(fun (type_info : _ Type_info.t) ->
if Type_info.is_on_axis ~axis type_info
then Some type_info.type_expr
else None)
(ti :: tis)

let compose_modality (type l r) ~then_ : (_, l * r) t -> (_, l * r) t =
| No_with_bounds -> No_with_bounds
| With_bounds (t, ts) ->
( Type_info.compose_modality ~then_ t, (Type_info.compose_modality ~then_) ts )

let debug_print (type l r) ~print_type_expr ppf : (_, l * r) t -> _ =
let open Format in
| No_with_bounds -> fprintf ppf "No_with_bounds"
| With_bounds (ty, tys) ->
fprintf ppf "With_bounds @[[%a]@]"
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf ";@ ")
(Type_info.print ~print_type_expr))
(ty :: tys)

module Bounds = struct
open Jkind_axis
include Axis_collection.Indexed (Misc.Stdlib.Monad.Identity)

let equal bounds1 bounds2 =
{ f =
(fun (type axis) ~(axis : axis Axis.t) bound1 bound2 ->
let (module Bound_ops) = Axis.get axis in
Bound_ops.equal bound1 bound2)
~combine:( && ) bounds1 bounds2

let debug_print ppf
{ locality;
} =
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[{ locality = %a;@ linearity = %a;@ uniqueness = %a;@ portability = \
%a;@ contention = %a;@ externality = %a;@ nullability = %a }@]"
Mode.Locality.Const.print locality Mode.Linearity.Const.print linearity
Mode.Uniqueness.Const.print uniqueness Mode.Portability.Const.print
portability Mode.Contention.Const.print contention Externality.print
externality Nullability.print nullability

module Layout_and_axes = struct
type ('type_expr, 'layout, 'd) t =
{ layout : 'layout;
upper_bounds : Bounds.t;
with_bounds : ('type_expr, 'd) With_bounds.t
constraint 'd = 'l * 'r

module Allow_disallow = Allowance.Magic_allow_disallow (struct
type ('type_expr, 'layout, 'd) sided = ('type_expr, 'layout, 'd) t

let disallow_left t =
{ t with with_bounds = With_bounds.disallow_left t.with_bounds }

let disallow_right t =
{ t with with_bounds = With_bounds.disallow_right t.with_bounds }

let allow_left t =
{ t with with_bounds = With_bounds.allow_left t.with_bounds }

let allow_right t =
{ t with with_bounds = With_bounds.allow_right t.with_bounds }

include Allow_disallow

let map f t = { t with layout = f t.layout }

let map_option f t =
match f t.layout with None -> None | Some layout -> Some { t with layout }

let map_type_expr f t =
{ t with with_bounds = With_bounds.map_type_expr f t.with_bounds }

let equal eq_layout { layout = lay1; upper_bounds = bounds1 }
{ layout = lay2; upper_bounds = bounds2 } =
eq_layout lay1 lay2 && Bounds.equal bounds1 bounds2

let try_allow_l :
type l r.
('type_expr, 'layout, l * r) t ->
('type_expr, 'layout, Allowance.allowed * r) t option =
fun { layout; upper_bounds; with_bounds } ->
match With_bounds.try_allow_l with_bounds with
| None -> None
| Some with_bounds ->
Some { layout; upper_bounds = Obj.magic upper_bounds; with_bounds }

let try_allow_r { layout; upper_bounds; with_bounds } =
match With_bounds.try_allow_r with_bounds with
| Some with_bounds ->
Some { layout; upper_bounds = Obj.magic upper_bounds; with_bounds }
| None -> None

let debug_print ~print_type_expr format_layout ppf
{ layout; upper_bounds; with_bounds } =
Format.fprintf ppf "{ layout = %a;@ upper_bounds = %a;@ with_bounds = %a }"
format_layout layout Bounds.debug_print upper_bounds
(With_bounds.debug_print ~print_type_expr)

module Jkind_desc = struct
type ('type_expr, 'd) t = ('type_expr, Sort.t Layout.t, 'd) Layout_and_axes.t

type 'type_expr packed = Pack : ('type_expr, 'd) t -> 'type_expr packed

(* A history of conditions placed on a jkind.
INVARIANT: at most one sort variable appears in this history.
This is a natural consequence of producing this history by comparing
type 'type_expr history =
| Interact of
{ reason : Jkind_intf.History.interact_reason;
jkind1 : 'type_expr Jkind_desc.packed;
history1 : 'type_expr history;
jkind2 : 'type_expr Jkind_desc.packed;
history2 : 'type_expr history
| Creation of Jkind_intf.History.creation_reason

type ('type_expr, 'd) t =
{ jkind : ('type_expr, 'd) Jkind_desc.t;
annotation : Parsetree.jkind_annotation option;
history : 'type_expr history;
has_warned : bool

module Const = struct
type ('type_expr, 'd) t = ('type_expr, Layout.Const.t, 'd) Layout_and_axes.t
126 changes: 0 additions & 126 deletions typing/jkind_types.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,129 +105,3 @@ module Layout : sig
| Product of t list

module With_bounds : sig
module Type_info : sig
type +'type_expr t =
{ type_expr : 'type_expr;
modality : Mode.Modality.Value.Const.t;
nullability : bool

val create :
type_expr:'type_expr ->
modality:Mode.Modality.Value.Const.t ->
deep_only:bool ->
'type_expr t

type (+'type_expr, 'd) t =
| No_with_bounds : ('type_expr, 'l * 'r) t
(* There must always be at least one type. *)
| With_bounds :
'type_expr Type_info.t * 'type_expr Type_info.t list
-> ('type_expr, 'l * Allowance.disallowed) t

include Allowance.Allow_disallow with type ('a, _, 'd) sided = ('a, 'd) t

val as_list : ('type_expr, 'l * 'r) t -> 'type_expr Type_info.t list

val has_with_bounds : ('type_expr, 'l * 'r) t -> bool

val types_on_axis :
axis:'a Jkind_axis.Axis.t -> ('type_expr, 'l * 'r) t -> 'type_expr list

val compose_modality :
then_:Mode.Modality.t -> ('type_expr, 'l * 'r) t -> ('type_expr, 'l * 'r) t

val debug_print :
print_type_expr:(Format.formatter -> 'type_expr -> unit) ->
Format.formatter ->
('type_expr, 'l * 'r) t ->

module Bounds : sig
include module type of
Jkind_axis.Axis_collection.Indexed (Misc.Stdlib.Monad.Identity)

val debug_print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

module Layout_and_axes : sig
open Allowance

type (+'type_expr, 'layout, 'd) t =
{ layout : 'layout;
upper_bounds : Bounds.t;
with_bounds : ('type_expr, 'd) With_bounds.t
constraint 'd = 'l * 'r

module type Allow_disallow :=
Allow_disallow with type ('a, 'b, 'd) sided := ('a, 'b, 'd) t

module Allow_disallow : Allow_disallow

include Allow_disallow

val map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('type_expr, 'a, 'd) t -> ('type_expr, 'b, 'd) t

val map_option :
('a -> 'b option) -> ('type_expr, 'a, 'd) t -> ('type_expr, 'b, 'd) t option

val map_type_expr :
('type_expr -> 'type_expr) ->
('type_expr, 'a, 'd) t ->
('type_expr, 'a, 'd) t

val equal :
('layout -> 'layout -> bool) ->
('type_expr, 'layout, allowed * allowed) t ->
('type_expr, 'layout, allowed * allowed) t ->

val try_allow_l :
('type_expr, 'layout, 'l * 'r) t ->
('type_expr, 'layout, allowed * 'r) t option

val try_allow_r :
('type_expr, 'layout, 'l * 'r) t ->
('type_expr, 'layout, 'l * allowed) t option

val debug_print :
print_type_expr:(Format.formatter -> 'type_expr -> unit) ->
(Format.formatter -> 'layout -> unit) ->
Format.formatter ->
('type_expr, 'layout, 'd) t ->

module Jkind_desc : sig
type (+'type_expr, 'd) t = ('type_expr, Sort.t Layout.t, 'd) Layout_and_axes.t

type +'type_expr packed = Pack : ('type_expr, 'd) t -> 'type_expr packed

type +'type_expr history =
| Interact of
{ reason : Jkind_intf.History.interact_reason;
jkind1 : 'type_expr Jkind_desc.packed;
history1 : 'type_expr history;
jkind2 : 'type_expr Jkind_desc.packed;
history2 : 'type_expr history
| Creation of Jkind_intf.History.creation_reason

type (+'type_expr, 'd) t =
{ jkind : ('type_expr, 'd) Jkind_desc.t;
annotation : Parsetree.jkind_annotation option;
history : 'type_expr history;
has_warned : bool

(** CR layouts v2.8: remove this when printing is improved *)
module Const : sig
type (+'type_expr, 'd) t = ('type_expr, Layout.Const.t, 'd) Layout_and_axes.t

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