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Workflow for the sigtools and HRdetect R packages

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Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD) Prediction Workflow using





java -jar cromwell.jar run hrDetect.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
outputFileNamePrefix String Name of sample matching the tumor sample in .vcf
structuralVcfFile File Input VCF file of structural variants (eg. from delly)
smallsVcfFile File Input VCF file of SNV and indels (small mutations) (eg. from mutect2)
smallsVcfIndex File Index file for smallsVcfFile
segFile File File for segmentations, used to estimate number of segments in Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) (eg. from sequenza)
reference String Reference genome version

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
filterStructural.modules String "bcftools/1.9" Required environment modules
filterStructural.structuralQUALfilter String "PASS" filter for filter calls to keep, eg. PASS
filterStructural.jobMemory Int 5 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
filterStructural.threads Int 1 Requested CPU threads
filterStructural.timeout Int 1 Hours before task timeout
filterINDELs.VAF Float 0.01 minimum variant allele frequency to retain variant
filterINDELs.QUALfilter String "FILTER~'haplotype' FILTER~'clustered_events'
filterINDELs.jobMemory Int 10 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
filterINDELs.threads Int 1 Requested CPU threads
filterINDELs.timeout Int 2 Hours before task timeout
filterSNVs.VAF Float 0.01 minimum variant allele frequency to retain variant
filterSNVs.QUALfilter String "FILTER~'haplotype' FILTER~'clustered_events'
filterSNVs.jobMemory Int 10 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
filterSNVs.threads Int 1 Requested CPU threads
filterSNVs.timeout Int 2 Hours before task timeout
hrdResults.modules String "sigtools/2.4.1 sigtools-data/1.0 hrdetect-rscript/1.5.8" Required environment modules
hrdResults.sigtoolrScript String "$HRDETECT_RSCRIPT_ROOT/scripts/sigTools_runthrough.R" .R script containing sigtools
hrdResults.SVrefSigs String "$SIGTOOLS_DATA_ROOT/RefSigv0_Rearr.tsv" reference signatures for SVs
hrdResults.SNVrefSigs String "$SIGTOOLS_DATA_ROOT/COSMIC_v1_SBS_GRCh38.txt" reference signatures for SNVs
hrdResults.sigtoolsBootstrap Int 200 Number of bootstraps for sigtools
hrdResults.indelCutoff Int 50 minimum number of indels to run analysis
hrdResults.jobMemory Int 50 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
hrdResults.threads Int 1 Requested CPU threads
hrdResults.timeout Int 15 Hours before task timeout


Output Type Description Labels
hrd_signatures File JSON file of hrdetect signatures vidarr_label: hrd_signatures
SBS_exposures File JSON of structural variant signatures vidarr_label: SBS_exposures
SV_exposures File JSON cataloguing structural variants vidarr_label: SV_exposures
ID_catalog File JSON cataloguing indels vidarr_label: ID_catalog

This section lists command(s) run by hrDetect workflow

  • Running hrDetect

Generate list of PASS calls

	set -euo pipefail

	$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools view -f '~{structuralQUALfilter}' ~{structuralVcfFile} >> ~{outputFileNamePrefix}.structural.PASS.vcf

	awk '$1 !~ "#" {print}' ~{structuralVcfFile} | wc -l >~{outputFileNamePrefix}.structural.filteringReport.txt
	awk '$1 !~ "#" {print}' ~{outputFileNamePrefix}.structural.PASS.vcf | wc -l >>~{outputFileNamePrefix}.structural.filteringReport.txt

Normalize and Filter calls

	set -euo pipefail

	$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools norm --multiallelics - --fasta-ref ~{genome} ~{difficultRegions} ~{smallsVcfFile} | \
	$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools filter -i "TYPE='~{smallType}'" | \
	$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools filter -e "~{QUALfilter}" | \
	$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools filter -i "(FORMAT/AD[0:1])/(FORMAT/AD[0:0]+FORMAT/AD[0:1]) >= ~{VAF}" >~{outputFileNamePrefix}.~{smallType}.VAF.vcf

	bgzip ~{outputFileNamePrefix}.~{smallType}.VAF.vcf
	tabix -p vcf ~{outputFileNamePrefix}.~{smallType}.VAF.vcf.gz

	zcat ~{smallsVcfFile} | awk '$1 !~ "#" {print}'  | wc -l >~{outputFileNamePrefix}.~{smallType}.filteringReport.txt
	zcat ~{outputFileNamePrefix}.~{smallType}.VAF.vcf.gz | awk '$1 !~ "#" {print}'  | wc -l >>~{outputFileNamePrefix}.~{smallType}.filteringReport.txt

Generate report

	set -euo pipefail

	Rscript ~{sigtoolrScript} \
		--sampleName ~{outputFileNamePrefix} \
		--snvFile ~{snvVcfFiltered} \
		--indelFile  ~{indelVcfFiltered} \
		--SVFile ~{SV_vcf_location} \
		--LOHFile ~{lohSegFile} \
		--bootstraps ~{sigtoolsBootstrap} \
		--genomeVersion ~{genomeVersion} \
		--indelCutoff ~{indelCutoff} \
		--SVrefSigs ~{SVrefSigs} \
		--SNVrefSigs ~{SNVrefSigs}


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Workflow for the sigtools and HRdetect R packages







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