Kinetic Equation Solver (kesolver) is a solver of the Boltzmann equation using the conservative projection method and its further extensions.
Tcheremissine, F. G. "Conservative evaluation of Boltzmann collision integral in discrete ordinates approximation." Computers & Mathematics with Applications 35.1-2 (1998): 215-221.
Run this command to create 2 executables: kes
and kes-mpi
cd src && make -j
By default, mpic++
is used to build an MPI version of the solver.
Currently, only the x86-64 architecture is supported.
For a Mac with an arm-based processor, use arch -x86_64 make -j
The executable files expect a config file in a special kei
which includes a prepared computational mesh.
The path to it is given as a single argument, e.g.
./kes config.kei
A parallel version can be run as follows:
mpirun ./kes-mpi config.kei
Examples of configuration files can be found in tutorials.