TensorFlow Classification API Modeled after TensorFlow Object Detection API
- add your new model file to extractors (see inception_v3 example)
- have your model implement all the required methods and inherit FeatureExtractor
- add your model to builders/feature_extractor_map.py (same as inception)
- Create a config file, similar to the example pipeline_conifg.config
- build protocol buffers with
protoc classification/protos/*.proto --python_out=.
from outside classification dir - cd in to classification directory and run
- from outside classification dir run
python3 classification/trainer.py --pipeline_config {path_to_pipeline_config}
This API utilizes TFRecord Format. There is a serializer in serializers that expects your data in the following format.
{annotation_1} : {category_name},
{annotation_2} : {category_name},
inputs_dir/annotations.json (mapping between string label and number):
{annotation_1} : {category_name: category_int64, ...},
{annotation_2} : {category_name: category_int64, ...},