Sidecars is a special buildpack to let you run any processes as sidecar in your application.
Under the hood it wraps the cloud-sidecars CLI.
Sidecar can be run beside your app or in front of your app as a reverse proxy to your app.
This buildpack can't be used as a final buildpack and support stacks:
- cflinuxfs3
- cflinuxfs4
Tip: Download cloud-sidecars command line to have a better usage experience
- Add this the buildpack as the first buildpack on your app manifest
- Change the start command to
cloud-sidecars launch
- Add a
and set your config inside (see configuration doc)
Manifest example:
- name: my-app
- sidecars_buildpack
- staticfile_buildpack
disk_quota: 1G
command: cloud-sidecars launch # tips: you can use all cli params from cloud-sidecars, add flag `--log-level debug` to enable debug mode for example
- You can override start command for your app by creating a file named
and add astart
entry, e.g.:start: start-command-for-app
- You can set a different config path for getting a
file by setting env varSIDECARS_BP_CONFIG_PATH
. This is useful for java app, you can put thesidecars-config.yml
file insrc/main/resources
on a spring boot app and set manifest.yml like this:applications: - name: my-app buildpacks: - sidecars_buildpack - staticfile_buildpack disk_quota: 1G command: cloud-sidecars -c ${SIDECARS_BP_CONFIG_PATH} launch env: SIDECARS_BP_CONFIG_PATH: BOOT-INF/classes/sidecars-config.yml
You can see full configuration on cloud-sidecars doc.
Learn by example with gobis-server as a reverse proxy and coredns as a beside app:
# Name must be defined for your sidecar
- name: gobis-server
# Path to execute your sidecar (You can run binary set in PATH)
# If artifact_url is set, executable path is prefixed directly with download path by cloud-sidecars
executable: gobis-server
# This can be empty, it let you download an artifact. Artifacts are unzipped and placed at <dir>/.sidecars/<sidecar name>
# executable path is prefixed directly with this path by cloud-sidecars
# work dir for after_download is this directory: <dir>/.sidecars/<sidecar name>
# It uses for downloading artifacts this let you download git, zip, tar, tgz or any other file (they all be uncompressed)
# force type detection for
artifact_type: http
# Sha1 to ensure to have correct downloaded artifact
# This is specific sha1 made by zipper, use cloud-sidecars sha1 command to have sha1 to insert here
# leave empty to not do sha1 check
artifact_sha1: "94aba65bd7d2dca6fb115716fee3a575fb03ad1d"
# Run script after downloading your artifact
# here it renames gobis-server_linux_amd64 to gobis-server
after_install: "mv * gobis-server"
# pass args to executable
- "--sidecar"
- "--sidecar-app-port"
# this sidecar is defined as reverse proxy, it gives a PROXY_APP_PORT env var
# as bellow you can give args in posix style from env var
# Set env var for sidecar
# you can give a value in posix style from env var
FOO: "${PATH}"
KEY: "val"
# Set env var for app, all app_env found in sidecars will be merged in one
# you can give a value in posix style from env var
app_env: {}
# You can pass a profile file which will be sourced before executing app
profiled: ""
# Set working directory, by default it is the dir defined by cli flag --dir
work_dir: ""
# Do not put prefix in stdout/stderr for this sidecar
no_log_prefix: false
# If true this will override listen port for app and set an PROXY_APP_PORT env var for sidecar
# If you have multiple sidecar of type reverse proxy it will chain in the order set here.
is_rproxy: true
# If true when your sidecar stop it will not stop main app and others sidecars
no_interrupt_when_stop: false
- name: coredns
executable: coredns
artifact_type: http
artifact_sha1: 7b3889d26bd9b6cf6687cac8a7358132af24e287
- "-dns.port"
- "1053"
env: {}
app_env: {}
profiled: ""
work_dir: ""
no_log_prefix: false
is_rproxy: false
no_interrupt_when_stop: false
To build this buildpack, run the following command from the buildpack's directory:
Check out a tagged release. It is not recommended to bundle buildpacks based on master or develop as these are moving targets.
git checkout $TAG
Get latest buildpack dependencies, this will require having Ruby 3.0 or running in a Ruby 3.0 container image
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=cf.Gemfile bundle
Build the buildpack.
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=cf.Gemfile bundle exec buildpack-packager [ --uncached | --cached ] [ --any-stack | --stack=STACK ]
Use in Cloud Foundry
Upload the buildpack to your Cloud Foundry instance and optionally specify it by name
cf create-buildpack $BUILDPACK_NAME $BUILDPACK_ZIP_FILE_PATH 1 cf push my_app [-b $BUILDPACK_NAME]
Buildpacks use the cutlass framework (from Cloud Foundry libbuildpack) for running integration tests.
To test this buildpack, run the following command from the buildpack's directory:
Source the
file in the buildpack directory.source .envrc
To simplify the process in the future, install direnv which will automatically source
when you change directories. -
Run unit tests
Run integration tests
More information can be found on GitHub cutlass.
Open an issue on this project
This buildpack is experimental and not yet intended for production use.