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firebase-rules-generator 1.0.2

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @simpleclub/firebase-rules-generator@1.0.2
Install via package.json:
"@simpleclub/firebase-rules-generator": "1.0.2"

About this version


Firebase rules generator Cloud Firestore (4- Icon, Use in Firebase Contexts Only) Cloud Storage for Firebase (4- Icon, Use in Firebase Contexts Only)

In 2020, we faced with the increasing need for splitting rules across different files to improve the readability of our security rules.
At that point we wrote a helper script to split rules across files and in a build step combine them into one file.

You can read our article about that here: Imports for Firestore Security rules

Now, we've abstracted it into a package and generate sourcemaps that can be used to match the built-file back to the source files.

See also Firebase rules coverage if you want to generate a test coverage report of your unit tests.


The @simpleclub/firebase-rules-generator package is available on NPM (also GitHub Packages):

$ npm install --save @simpleclub/firebase-rules-generator

Via Yarn:

$ yarn add @simpleclub/firebase-rules-generator


When installing the package the command firebase-build-rules will be added to your project.

You can use this command in the package.json-scripts or by executing ./node_modules/.bin/firebase-build-rules.

The command takes an index rules files and may contain imports to other rules files:

$ firebase-build-rules <input>


You can configure the behaviour of the command with the following options:

Option Description
--output, -o Where the final rules file should be saved.
--source-map, -s Whether to generate source maps or not (default: true).


$ firebase-build-rules rules/index.rules --output firestore.rules
$ firebase-build-rules rules/index.rules --no-source-map --output storage.rules

Import syntax

To get the most out of this package you need to understand how the imports work.

Let's take a simple example:


rules_version = '2';

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    include "matcher.rules";


match /articles/{article} {
  allow read: if request.auth != null;
  allow create, update: if request.auth.token.admin == true;

In this example we would use a command like this to generate the final rules file:

$ firebase-build-rules index.rules -o firestore.rules 

Because we have this include "matcher.rules"; statement in there the rules-generator will pick this up and include the contents from matcher.rules at the exact same position as the include-statement.

The final firestore.rules file will then look like:

rules_version = '2';

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /articles/{article} {
  allow read: if request.auth != null;
  allow create, update: if request.auth.token.admin == true;

Indentation will not be perfect, but that does not matter for the Firebase rules engine.

Include vs import

Why is it called include and not import?

It's a relatively straight forward answer:
Because the position where the include-statement is placed matters a lot in the built rules file. This behavior is vastly different from imports you know from other programming languages where the order of imports does not matter too much.



  • firebase-rules-generator-1.0.2.tgz

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