Maintained by Magali Hennion.
Implemented by BiBs-EDC, this workflow for RNA-seq data analysis is based on RASflow which was originally published by X. Zhang. It has been modified to run effectively on both IFB and iPOP-UP clusters and to fit our specific needs. Moreover, several tools and features were added, including a comprehensive report, as well as the possibility to incorporate the repeats in the analysis. If you encounter troubles or need additional tools or features, you can create an issue on the GitHub repository, email directly BiBs, or pass by the 366b room.
The complete documentation is available at
If you use this workflow to analyse your data, don't forget to acknowledge BiBs in all your communications !
- EDC people: "We thank the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core Facility, Paris Epigenetics and Cell Fate Center for bioinformatics support."
- External users: "We thank the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core Facility, Paris Epigenetics and Cell Fate Center for sharing their analysis workflows."