The EcoBuilder is a tool for the creation of Digital Ecosystem Models (DEM) via Java API or via GUI. The Digital Ecosystem Model is an OWL ontology for modelling Digital Ecosystems consisting of Technical Services, Processes, Digital Objects, Policies and User Communities.
The Digital Ecosystem Model and the first version of the EcoBuilder have been released on the 30th September 2016.
Version 1.1 has been released by the end of October before MEDES conference, where have presented a paper about the DEM and the EcoBuilder.
Please note that EcoBuilder projects saved using version 1.0 will probably not be loadable in the succeeding versions.
Help us to improve the EcoBuilder, and create tickets ("Issues section"), if you have any suggestion for improvements, or if you find any bugs. We will try to process your feedback for the new versions.
The EcoBuilder was developed on Linux. It was tested on Windows and Mac, but not very extensively.
The execution of the EcoBuilder "jar" file requires installed Java 8.
The following screencast shows the basic usage of the tool. It also gives a quick introduction about the Digital Ecosystem Model.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no FP7- 601138 PERICLES.