The project provides code for a multi-threaded variant of the algorithm of Multiple Relatively Robust Representations (MRRR). In most cases it is the fastest solver for dense symmetric and Hermitian eigenproblems. The code is free to use and edit. Therefore, it can be used by users as well as library developers to integrate the code or using it as start for there own implementation.
The MRRR algorithm is a solver for the symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem, which lies at the heart of direct methods for dense symmetric and Hermitian eigenproblems. For convenience we therefore include, besides the tridiagonal solver, routines for the following dense problems:
- symmetric: Ax = lambdax, with A=A^T
- Hermitian: Ax = lambdax, with A=A^H
- generalized symmetric-definite: Ax = lambdaBx or ABx = lambdax or BA = lambdax, with A=A^T, B=B^T and B definite
- generalized Hermitian-definite: Ax = lambdaBx or ABx = lambdax or BA = lambdax, with A=A^H, B=B^H and B definite
The matrices A and B can be stored either full or, although not recommended, in packed storage format. The routines for the dense problems require linking to LAPACK and an optimized BLAS. Please refer to the 'USAGE.txt' file for more details.
Mixed precision routines are used to improve the accuracy of the solver at moderate cost. It can also be used to improve parallelism. A prototype using extended precision can be found in the TAGS folder.
Please read 'USAGE.txt' for more information about how to build and use mr3smp.
When you use this code, kindly reference the following paper paper:
@article{Petschow2011:254, author = "Matthias Petschow and Paolo Bientinesi", title = "MR^3-SMP: A Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigensolver for Multi-Core Architectures", journal = "Parallel Computing", year = 2011, volume = 37, number = 12, }
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