thencd ignore/release
thengit push
) branch;[Automator]
Captures the push webhook;[Automator]
Invokedep local:prepare prepare
to pull the codes;[Automator]
to push codes under./workspace/current
to the remote server(s);[Automator]
Invokebin/cli migrate:up
on the remote server(s).
add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
apt update
apt install php7.1-fpm php7.1-gd php7.1-cli php7.1-curl php7.1-dev php7.1-json php7.1-mbstring php7.1-mcrypt php7.1-mysql php7.1-xml php7.1-zip php-redis
curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/phalcon/stable/script.deb.sh | bash
apt install php7.0-phalcon
git clone -b release [email protected]:phwoolcon/deploy-automator.git ./
vim app/config/production/app.php
return [
'enable_https' => true, // true if your site have https access, otherwise false
'timezone' => 'Asia/Shanghai', // Use your timezone
'url' => 'https://deploy.example.com', // Use your real site URL
vim app/config/production/database.php
return [
'default' => 'mysql',
'connections' => [
'mysql' => [
'host' => '', // Use real server
'username' => 'dbuser', // Use real username
'password' => 'dbpass', // Use real password
'dbname' => 'dbname', // Use real db name
sudo -H -u www-data bin/dump-autoload
sudo -H -u www-data bin/cli migrate:up
sudo -H -u www-data bin/dump-autoload
sudo -H -u www-data ssh-keygen -N "" -t rsa -b 4096 -C "deployer"
Create user deployer
on the remote server to receive code pushes (via rsync
, using ssh
sudo adduser --disabled-password deployer
Grant deployer
sudo permission to run as www-data
, add sudo config:
sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/deployer
with content:
deployer ALL=(www-data) NOPASSWD:ALL