Repository of static assets used by various projects of Pipal Academy.
Hosted at
All the third-party libraries as added into vendor, with full name and then symlinked into assets.
$ tree -L 3 .
├── Makefile
├── assets
│ └── fontawesome
│ ├── 5 -> ../../vendor/fontawesome-free-5.15.4-web
│ └── 5.15.4 -> ../../vendor/fontawesome-free-5.15.4-web
└── vendor
└── fontawesome-free-5.15.4-web
└── ...
This allows keeping multiple versions of assets.
Since the assets don't change over time, it would be possible to cache them aggressively.
This repository is mainly for keeping track of third-party assets, each with a released version.
To include a new package or a new version of an existing package:
Step 1: Add the package to vendor/
Add the released package, as it is published to vendor/. It recommended to include the version number in the directory name. For example, use vendor/jquery-3.6.1
instead of vendor/jquery
Step 2: Create a directory for the package name.
$ mkdir assets/jquery
Step 3: Symlink the package
Symlink the package with full version number and also with the major version number.
$ cd assets/jquery
$ ln -s ../../vendor/jquery-3.6.1 3.6.1
$ ln -s ../../vendor/jquery-3.6.1 3
To deploy the assets, run make after pushing it to github. Github CI/CD is not setup yet.
$ make
ssh -A [email protected] git -C assets pull
Already up-to-date.