This is the infrasturcuture for the Economy Transaction System.
- .NET 7+ SDK
- VS Code or JetBrains Rider
- Docker (Optional)
Clone all repositories:
- Catalog
- identity
- Inventory
- Trading
- Frontend
Start Infra
components first:
docker compose up -d
Start the Identity
- Add secret key to your service in your
file. - Ensure you trust the Identity local certificates first:
dotnet dev-certs https --check
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
- Run the service:
dotnet run
Start the Catalog
dotnet run
Start the Inventory
dotnet run
Start the Frontend
npm i
npm start
By default an admin user is created by the Identity
- Username: [email protected]
- Password: Pass@word1
- Test the system through Postman first:
- identityBaseUrl:
- CatalogBaseUrl:
- TradingBaseUrl:
You will need to get an access token to call any service.
GET {{identityBaseUrl}}/users
Have the following settings set up in your Postman Authorazation section:
- Auth Type: oAuth 2.0
- Use Token Type: Access Token
- Header Prefix: Bearer
- Grant type: Authorization Code (With PKCE)
- Callback URL:
- Auth URL:
- Access Token URL:
- Client ID: Postman
- Code Challenge Method:
- Scope:
openid profile IdentityServerApi
- Client Authentication: Send as Basic Auth Header
NOTE: Any other option I didn't list, leave that blank or unchecked.
Then click on Get new access token. After getting the access token, send a GET request.
To test other Identity
GET {{identityBaseUrl}}/users/:id
PUT {{identityBaseUrl}}/users/:id
DELETE {{identityBaseUrl}}/users/:id
GET {{identityBaseUrl}}/.well-known/openid-configuration
GET {{identityBaseUrl}}/health/live
You can then create a normal user that will be used on other services. You may want to first test using the admin user first though on all services.
NOTE: Authorization scopes vary on endpoint.
- Scope:
openid profile catalog.fullaccess catalog.writeaccess roles
POST {{catalogBaseUrl
"name": "Potion",
"description": "Restores a small amount of HP",
"price": 5
- Scope:
openid profile catalog.readaccess
GET {{catalogBaseUrl
GET {{catalogBaseUrl}}/items/:itemId
PUT {{baseUrl}}/items/:itemId
GET {{catalogBaseUrl
- Scope:
openid profile catalog.fullaccess inventory.fullaccess trading.fullaccess IdentityServerApi roles
POST {{tradingBaseUrl}}/purchase
"ItemId": "<itemId>",
"Quantity": 1,
"IdempotencyId": "{{$guid}}"
- Scope:
openid profile trading.fullaccess
- Scope:
openid profile inventory.fullaccess
GET {{inventoryBaseUrl}}/items?userId=<userId>
Scope: {{inventoryBaseUrl}}/items/
"userId": "<userId>",
"catalogItemId": "<catalogItemId>",
"quantity": 3
$gh_pat="[PAT HERE]"
dotnet nuget add source --username USERNAME --password $gh_pat --store-password-in-clear-text --name github "$owner/index.json"
az group create --name $appname --location eastus
az cosmosdb create --name $dbname --resource-group $appname --kind MongoDB --enable-free-tier
az servicebus namespace create --name $servicebusname --resource-group $appname --sku Standard
az acr create --name $containername --resource-group $appname --sku Basic
az aks create -n $appname -g $appname --node-vm-size Standard_B2s --node-count 2
--attach-acr $containername --enable-oidc-issuer --enable-workload-identity --generate-ssh-keys
az aks get-credentials --name $appname --resource-group $appname
az keyvault create -n $appname -g $appname
These commands are used to install the CRDs for Emissary Ingress into a Kubernetes cluster and then wait for the emissary-apiext deployment to be fully available.
helm repo add datawire
helm repo update
kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=available deployment emissary-apiext -n emissary-system
kubectl apply -f ./emissary-ingress/listener.yaml -n $namespace
kubectl apply -f ./emissary-ingress/mappings.yaml -n $namespace
helm repo add jetstack --force-update
helm repo update
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --version v1.16.1 --set crds.enabled=true --namespace $namespace
kubectl apply -f ./cert-manager/cluster-issuer.yaml -n $namespace
kubectl apply -f ./cert-manager/acme-challenge.yaml -n $namespace
kubectl apply -f ./emissary-ingress/tls-certificate.yaml -n $namespace
This will be used for the gateway to belistened by the outside world.
kubectl apply -f ./emissary-ingress/host.yaml -n $namespace
# package the helm chart
helm package ./helm/microservice
$helmPassword=az acr login --name $appname --expose-token --output tsv --query accessToken
# This is no longer needed after Helm v3.8.0
# authenticate
helm registry login "$" --username $helmUser --password $helmPassword
# push to registry
helm push microservice-0.1.2.tgz oci://$
$appId = az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "GitHub" --query appId --output tsv
az role assignment create --assignee $appId --role "AcrPush" --scope /subscriptions/$subid/resourceGroups/$appname/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/$acrName
az role assignment create --assignee $appId --role "Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster User Role" --scope /subscriptions/$subId/resourceGroups/$appname/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/$appname
az role assignment create --assignee $appId --role "Azure Kubernetes Service Contributor Role" --scope /subscriptions/$subId/resourceGroups/$appname/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/$appname
# Add the repository where the chart is stored.
helm repo add datalust
helm repo update
# Installs the seq chart from the datalust repository into your K8s Cluster.
helm install seq datalust/seq -n observability --create-namespace
# Add the repository where the chart is stored.
helm repo add jaegertracing
helm repo update
# Installs the Jaeger chart from the datalust repository into your K8s Cluster.
helm upgrade jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger --values ./jaeger/values.yaml -n observability --install