The sio-projet-fil-rouge project is a sudy case for the MS SIO students, it consists of a RESTfull API to manage movie library.
The choice of implementation is :
- Maven
- Kotlin
- Spring Boot
- JPA2 with H2 database
- Oauth2
- io.springfox Swagger annotation API
This project is a POC of RESTfull API project with Kotlin, Spring Boot, and a Oauth2 authentication via social network (I choose authentication via github).
$ git clone
$ cd <path-to-the-project>
$ mvn spring-boot:run
$ java -jar target/myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The easy way to test the project is to use the Swagger UI interface at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
The first connection to the Swagger interface redirect you to github authentication, then you can use the fully documented, and easy to use Swagger interface, to test the project.