This is the standard simulation of for the EDM polarimeter.
Command line options:
--detector.geometry -g: Choose geometry (file). Currently accepted formats are gdml:file cubic:[file] hexagonal:[file] single: sandwich:
--general.num_threads -n: number of worker threads
--general.config_file -c: config file
--general.macro_file -m: macro file
--general.batch_mode -b: flag for batch mode
gdml:file load gdml file.
The following generators are available
gun: particle gun
infile: read from input file
dcelastic: dc elastic scattering with the model taken from Ed's note
dcelastictime: as above, polarization and intensity time dependent (hardcoded)
breakup: dc->pnc from the same note
muon: muon gun with model from PDG booklet
Automatic change of sensitive detector type on geometry update does not work. Has to be done manually by command.