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tjado edited this page Jul 29, 2016 · 5 revisions

Getting Started


Before any API requests can be executed, it is necessary to set a position and then to login. The coordinates are latitude, longitude and altitude. For the login, it is possible to use "google" so your google account or "ptc" (Pokemon Trainer Club).

api = pgoapi.PGoApi()
api.set_position(40.7127837, -74.005941, 0.0)
api.login('ptc', 'your_username', 'your_secure_password')

api.login will of course return True or False.

Execute API function

After a successful login, API calls can be made. There are two ways to do this.


The first one is very simple and can be executed directly over the api object:

response = api.get_player()


A more complex way which is thread-safe and supports chaining (more than one subrequest in a API call) has to be done over a separate request object, which can be created over api.create_request():

req = api.create_request()
response =


The output is currently just a dictionary which can be easily dumped/printed:

import pprint
print('Response dictionary:\n\r{}'.format(pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pformat(response)))

Argument mapping

Different API calls to the Pokemon Go server require certain arguments, like which Pokemon you want to release. In the API reference, all calls are described with the possible input arguments.

api.release_pokemon(pokemon_id = <your pokemonid>)

If there are more complex types, like repeated fields and subtypes (which have further arguments) they can be specified by lists and dictionaries.

Repeated fields

    latitude = lat, 
    longitude = lng, 
    since_timestamp_ms = [0, 0, 0, 0], 
    cell_id = [<cell_id_1>, <cell_id_2>, <cell_id_3>, <cell_id_4>]

Sub Types

    player_avatar = { 
        skin: "<your_input>", ...
) is a small pgoapi example script which shows the generic usage of pgoapi with few RPC calls.

usage: [-h] -a AUTH_SERVICE -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -l LOCATION [-d] [-t]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                    show this help message and exit
  -a AUTH_SERVICE, --auth_service AUTH_SERVICE  Auth Service ('ptc' or 'google')
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME              Username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD              Password
  -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION              Location
  -d, --debug                                   Debug Mode
  -t, --test                                    Only parse the specified location

pokecli with Docker (optional)

Build and run container:

docker build -t pokecli .
docker run pokecli

Optionally create an alias:

alias pokecli='docker run pokecli'
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