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advisor: fix included column order in suggested indexes
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If an index optimizes multiple quals, the previous code wasn't deterministic
and could append the columns from the included quals in any order, which could
lead to a non optimal index suggestion.

To fix, the include quals are not emitted in ascending order of column they
contains, so there's a guarantee that the first columns are in the correct
order.  The result is still not fully deterministic in case of a single qual
having multiple columns not included in a child qual, but this doesn't really
matter as the order is not significant there (at least from the advisor point
of view).

Thanks to disqus user Sivan for the report.
  • Loading branch information
rjuju committed Aug 5, 2024
1 parent 97ea8bb commit e5c4ce7
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Showing 2 changed files with 286 additions and 3 deletions.
280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions pg_qualstats--2.1.0--2.1.1.sql
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@@ -1,2 +1,282 @@
-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
\echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION pg_qualstats UPDATE" to load this file. \quit

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION @[email protected]_qualstats_index_advisor (
min_filter integer DEFAULT 1000,
min_selectivity integer DEFAULT 30,
forbidden_am text[] DEFAULT '{}')
AS $_$
v_processed bigint[] = '{}';
v_indexes json[] = '{}';
v_unoptimised json[] = '{}';

rec record;
v_nb_processed integer = 1;

v_ddl text;
v_col text;
v_qualnodeid bigint;
v_quals_todo bigint[];
v_quals_done bigint[];
v_quals_col_done text[];
v_queryids bigint[] = '{}';
-- sanity checks and default values
SELECT coalesce(min_filter, 1000), coalesce(min_selectivity, 30),
coalesce(forbidden_am, '{}')
INTO min_filter, min_selectivity, forbidden_am;

-- don't try to generate hash indexes Before pg 10, as those are only WAL
-- logged since pg 11.
IF pg_catalog.current_setting('server_version_num')::bigint < 100000 THEN
forbidden_am := array_append(forbidden_am, 'hash');

-- first find out unoptimizable quals.
-- We need an array of json containing the per-qual info, and a single
-- array containing all the underlying qualnodeids, so we need to create
-- the wanted final object manually as we can't have two different grouping
-- approach.
FOR rec IN WITH src AS (SELECT DISTINCT qualnodeid,
(coalesce(lrelid, rrelid), coalesce(lattnum, rattnum),
opno, eval_type)::@[email protected] AS qual,
FROM @[email protected]_qualstats() q
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database d ON q.dbid = d.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_operator op ON op.oid = q.opno
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_amop amop ON amop.amopopr = op.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_am am ON am.oid = amop.amopmethod
WHERE d.datname = current_database()
AND eval_type = 'f'
AND coalesce(lrelid, rrelid) != 0
AND amname IS NULL
SELECT pg_catalog.json_build_object(
'qual', @[email protected]_qualstats_deparse_qual(qual),
-- be careful to generate an empty array if no queryid availiable
coalesce(pg_catalog.array_agg(DISTINCT queryid)
FILTER (WHERE queryid IS NOT NULL), '{}')
) AS obj,
array_agg(qualnodeid) AS qualnodeids
FROM src
v_unoptimised := array_append(v_unoptimised, rec.obj);
v_processed := array_cat(v_processed, rec.qualnodeids);

-- The index suggestion is done in multiple iteration, by scoring for each
-- relation containing interesting quals a path of possibly AND-ed quals
-- that contains other possibly AND-ed quals. Only the higher score path
-- will be used to create an index, so we can then compute another set of
-- paths ignoring the quals that are now optimized with an index.
WHILE v_nb_processed > 0 LOOP
v_nb_processed := 0;
FOR rec IN
-- first, find quals that seems worth to optimize along with the
-- possible access methods, discarding any qualnode that are marked as
-- already processed. Also apply access method restriction.
WITH pgqs AS (
SELECT dbid, amname, qualid, qualnodeid,
(coalesce(lrelid, rrelid), coalesce(lattnum, rattnum),
opno, eval_type)::@[email protected] AS qual, queryid,
round(avg(execution_count)) AS execution_count,
sum(occurences) AS occurences,
round(sum(nbfiltered)::numeric / sum(occurences)) AS avg_filter,
CASE WHEN sum(execution_count) = 0
ELSE round(sum(nbfiltered::numeric) / sum(execution_count) * 100)
END AS avg_selectivity
FROM @[email protected]_qualstats() q
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database d ON q.dbid = d.oid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_operator op ON op.oid = q.opno
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_amop amop ON amop.amopopr = op.oid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_am am ON am.oid = amop.amopmethod
WHERE d.datname = current_database()
AND eval_type = 'f'
AND amname != ALL (forbidden_am)
AND coalesce(lrelid, rrelid) != 0
AND qualnodeid != ALL(v_processed)
GROUP BY dbid, amname, qualid, qualnodeid, lrelid, rrelid,
lattnum, rattnum, opno, eval_type, queryid
-- apply cardinality and selectivity restrictions
filtered AS (
SELECT (qual).relid, amname, coalesce(qualid, qualnodeid) AS parent,
count(*) AS weight,
(array_agg(DISTINCT qualnodeid),
)::@[email protected]_quals AS quals
FROM pgqs
WHERE avg_filter >= min_filter
AND avg_selectivity >= min_selectivity
GROUP BY (qual).relid, amname, parent
-- for each possibly AND-ed qual, build the list of included qualnodeid
nodes AS (
SELECT p.relid, p.amname, p.parent, p.quals,
c.quals AS children
FROM filtered p
LEFT JOIN filtered c ON (p.quals).qualnodeids @> (c.quals).qualnodeids
AND p.amname = c.amname
AND p.parent != c.parent
AND (p.quals).qualnodeids != (c.quals).qualnodeids
-- build the "paths", which is the list of AND-ed quals that entirely
-- contains another possibly AND-ed quals, and give a score for each
-- path. The scoring method used here is simply the number of
-- columns in the quals.
paths AS (
coalesce(pg_catalog.array_length((children).qualnodeids, 1),
0) AS weight
FROM nodes
SELECT DISTINCT p.relid, p.amname, p.parent, p.quals, c.children,
coalesce(pg_catalog.array_length((c.children).qualnodeids, 1),
0) AS weight
FROM nodes p
JOIN nodes c ON (p.children).qualnodeids @> (c.quals).qualnodeids
AND (c.quals).qualnodeids IS NOT NULL
AND (c.quals).qualnodeids != (p.quals).qualnodeids
AND p.amname = c.amname
-- compute the final paths.
-- The scoring method used here is simply the sum of total
-- number of columns in each possibly AND-ed quals, so that we can
-- later chose to create indexes that optimize as many queries as
-- possible with as few indexes as possible.
-- We also compute here an access method weight, so that we can later
-- choose a btree index rather than another access method if btree is
-- available.
computed AS (
SELECT relid, amname, parent, quals,
array_agg(to_json(children) ORDER BY weight)
FILTER (WHERE children IS NOT NULL) AS included,
pg_catalog.array_length((quals).qualnodeids, 1)
+ sum(weight) AS path_weight,
CASE amname WHEN 'btree' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END AS amweight
FROM paths
GROUP BY relid, amname, parent, quals
-- compute a rank for each final paths, per relation.
final AS (
SELECT relid, amname, parent, quals, included, path_weight, amweight,
row_number() OVER (
ORDER BY path_weight DESC, amweight) AS rownum
FROM computed
-- and finally choose the higher rank final path for each relation.
SELECT relid, amname, parent,
(quals).qualnodeids as quals, (quals).queryids as queryids,
included, path_weight
FROM final
WHERE rownum = 1
v_nb_processed := v_nb_processed + 1;

v_ddl := '';
v_quals_todo := '{}';
v_quals_done := '{}';
v_quals_col_done := '{}';

-- put columns from included quals, if any, first for order dependency
v_cur json;
IF rec.included IS NOT NULL THEN
FOR v_cur IN SELECT v->'qualnodeids'
FROM (SELECT * FROM unnest(rec.included)) AS r(v)
ORDER BY pg_catalog.json_array_length(v->'qualnodeids') ASC
-- Direct cast from json to bigint is only possible since pg10
FOR v_qualnodeid IN
SELECT pg_catalog.json_array_elements(v_cur)::text::bigint
v_quals_todo := v_quals_todo || v_qualnodeid;

-- and append qual's own columns
v_quals_todo := v_quals_todo || rec.quals;

-- generate the index DDL
FOREACH v_qualnodeid IN ARRAY v_quals_todo LOOP
-- skip quals already present in the index
CONTINUE WHEN v_quals_done @> ARRAY[v_qualnodeid];

-- skip other quals for the same column
v_col := @[email protected]_qualstats_get_idx_col(v_qualnodeid, false);
CONTINUE WHEN v_quals_col_done @> ARRAY[v_col];

-- mark this qual as present in a generated index so it's ignore at
-- next round of best quals to optimize
v_processed := pg_catalog.array_append(v_processed, v_qualnodeid);

-- mark this qual and col as present in this index
v_quals_done := v_quals_done || v_qualnodeid;
v_quals_col_done := v_quals_col_done || v_col;

-- if underlying table has been dropped, stop here
CONTINUE WHEN coalesce(v_col, '') = '';

-- append the column to the index
IF v_ddl != '' THEN v_ddl := v_ddl || ', '; END IF;
v_ddl := v_ddl || @[email protected]_qualstats_get_idx_col(v_qualnodeid, true);

-- if underlying table has been dropped, skip this (broken) index
CONTINUE WHEN coalesce(v_ddl, '') = '';

-- generate the full CREATE INDEX ddl
v_ddl = pg_catalog.format('CREATE INDEX ON %s USING %I (%s)',
@[email protected]_qualstats_get_qualnode_rel(v_qualnodeid), rec.amname, v_ddl);

-- get the underlyings queryid(s)
v_queryid text;
v_cur json;
v_queryids = rec.queryids;
IF rec.included IS NOT NULL THEN
FOREACH v_cur IN ARRAY rec.included LOOP
-- Direct cast from json to bigint is only possible since pg10
FOR v_queryid IN SELECT pg_catalog.json_array_elements(v_cur->'queryids')::text
CONTINUE WHEN v_queryid = 'null';
v_queryids := v_queryids || v_queryid::text::bigint;

-- remove any duplicates
SELECT pg_catalog.array_agg(DISTINCT v) INTO v_queryids
FROM (SELECT unnest(v_queryids)) s(v);

-- sanitize the queryids
IF v_queryids IS NULL OR v_queryids = '{null}' THEN
v_queryids = '{}';

-- and finally append the index to the list of generated indexes
v_indexes := pg_catalog.array_append(v_indexes,
'ddl', v_ddl,
'queryids', v_queryids

RETURN pg_catalog.json_build_object(
'indexes', v_indexes,
'unoptimised', v_unoptimised);
$_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* end of pg_qualstats_index_advisor */
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions pg_qualstats--2.1.1.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ BEGIN
filtered AS (
SELECT (qual).relid, amname, coalesce(qualid, qualnodeid) AS parent,
count(*) AS weight,
(array_agg(DISTINCT qualnodeid),
)::@[email protected]_quals AS quals
FROM pgqs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -628,10 +628,13 @@ BEGIN
v_cur json;
IF rec.included IS NOT NULL THEN
FOREACH v_cur IN ARRAY rec.included LOOP
FOR v_cur IN SELECT v->'qualnodeids'
FROM (SELECT * FROM unnest(rec.included)) AS r(v)
ORDER BY pg_catalog.json_array_length(v->'qualnodeids') ASC
-- Direct cast from json to bigint is only possible since pg10
FOR v_qualnodeid IN
SELECT pg_catalog.json_array_elements(v_cur->'qualnodeids')::text::bigint
SELECT pg_catalog.json_array_elements(v_cur)::text::bigint
v_quals_todo := v_quals_todo || v_qualnodeid;
Expand Down

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