Makes a Density Plot | Histogram | Rug plot for 1-D data. Check out how to modify the chart properties. Out of the box, it makes a Rug plot.
$ yarn add @reuters-graphics/chart-module-countryrankingstrips
import CountryRankingStrips from '@reuters-graphics/chart-module-countryrankingstrips';
const myChart = new CountryRankingStrips();
// To create your chart, pass a selector string to the chart's selection method,
// as well as any props or data to their respective methods. Then call draw.
// Data has to be an array of objects. If the accessor names are different, map them in the dataParams prop.
{key: 'US', value: 1000},
{key: 'IN', value: 300},
locale: 'en',
chartTitle: 'global cases',
dataParams: {
key: 'key',
value: 'value',
height: 50,
margin: {
top: 4,
right: 8,
bottom: 36,
left: 8,
rugPlot: true,
rugProps: {
height: 16,
rugWidth: 1,
rugColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)',
highlightWidth: 2,
highlightColor: '#eec331',
annotation: [
key: 'US',
text: 'Lorem Ipsum US',
customAxisLabels: [{ pos: 0, label: 'left-label' }, { pos: 100, label: 'right-label' }],
customAxisFormat: true,
showSplitAxis: true,
splitAxis: {
value: 0,
colors: ['#74c476', '#ee665b'],
getTooltipText: (key) => key,
tooltipNumberFormatter: (num) => num,
// You can call any method again to update the chart.
.data([3, 4, 5])
// Or just call the draw function alone, which is useful for resizing the chart.
To apply this chart's default styles when using SCSS, simply define the variable $CountryRankingStrips-container
to represent the ID or class of the chart's container(s) and import the _chart.scss
$CountryRankingStrips-container: '#chart';
@import '~@reuters-graphics/chart-module-countryrankingstrips/scss/main';
Specify the locale for number formatting locale: 'en'
Add a title to the chart. Default blank. chartTitle: ''
Specify the accessors for the data to override key
and value
dataParams: {
key: 'key',
value: 'value',
Height of the chart. height: 100
Add Margins
margin: {
top: 18,
right: 18,
bottom: 20,
left: 4,
densityPlot: true
distributionProps: {
bandwidth: 1,
threshold: 35, // same as bin-width for histogram
curveType: 'curveBasis',
histogram: true
Highlight data points
markDataPoint: [// key should be same as dataParams
key: 'US',
text: 'Lorem Ipsum US',
key: 'IN',
text: 'Lorem Ipsum IN',
Add annotation to the distribution
annotation: { // for distribution chart
size: 500,
offset: 6,
orient: 'right', // left or right. Skip it for auto
Set densityPlot: false
, histogram: false
and rugPlot: true
Customise the plot height and add labels
rugProps: {
height: 16,
rugWidth: 1,
rugColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)',
highlightWidth: 2, // adds half of this value as stroke
highlightColor: '#eec331',
activeRugZoom: 2, // amount in pixels the rug pops out on hover
showTipMarker: true, // show or hide the tip marker
annotation: [ // if no text is specified, shows just a pointer by default
key: 'US',
text: 'Lorem Ipsum US',
key: 'IN',
text: 'Lorem Ipsum IN',
// Override default min-max number labels
customAxisLabels: [{ pos: 0, label: 'left-label' }, { pos: 100, label: 'right-label' }],
customAxisFormat: true, // show labels without ticks
showSplitAxis: true, // for data that might have a central pivot
splitAxis: {
value: 0, // value to split the axis at
colors: ['#74c476', '#ee665b'],
textHeight: 16, // line-height for tooltip text
getTooltipText: (key) => key, // function to fetch text to be shown on the tooltips
tooltipNumberFormatter: (num) => num, // number formatter based on number type and locale
Read more in the DEVELOPING docs about how to write your chart module.