A PHP library for communicating with the Coinbase Exchange.
WARNING: This is a work in progress. Some parts may not work as expected.
Require the library in your composer.json
. (What is Composer?)
"require": {
"ricog/coinbase-exchange": ">=0.1"
Download the latest release and require lib/CoinbaseExchange.php
Detailed usage can be found in lib/CoinbaseExchange/CoinbaseExchange.php.
Public endpoints do not require authentication.
$exchange = new CoinbaseExchange();
print_r($exchange->getTicker(), 1);
Private endpoints require authentication. Create an API key at https://exchange.coinbase.com/settings.
$exchange = new CoinbaseExchange();
$exchange->auth('key', 'passphrase', 'secret');
$exchange->placeOrder('sell', '1200.01', '.25', 'BTC-USD');
Tests can be run with:
- Implement public endpoints.
- Implement private trade enpoints.
- Add tests (started).
- Implement transfer endpoint.