TGA WebServices in PHP
This very basic repository provides a simple framework for accessing TGA WebServices. To access the services, you will need to contact the TGA Helpdesk for a username and password (tgahelp at innovation dot gov dot au). They provide only .NET and Java examples in their SDK, so this should get you started.
- Download all files and unpack. If you move them around, make sure in the ws-access.php file, you update the require() lines at the top.
- Update your Username and Password.
- Check that the correct WSDL and Endpoints are used - the ones provided are the most recent of the Training Component Service. There are other options.
- Make sure you update the $options array for the first SOAP call, depending on the options for the call based on the DataModel in the SDK outline document, provided by TGA.
- Run!
You should get the hang of it. Leave a comment if you see any glaring issues or would like some assistance.