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Preparing New Project

Rougin Gutib edited this page Aug 10, 2024 · 10 revisions

← Creating Middlewares | "ContainerInterface" Implementation →

The previous pages in the Getting Started guide should cover all the features of Slytherin. Once the concepts were familiarized and understood, it is now okay to proceed with preparing the directory structure and its implementation to a new Slytherin application.

Formulating an Implementation

Since Slytherin is designed to be extensible and easy to integrate with other PHP packages, there are no defined directory structure nor best practices as each project has its own needs and requirements to be fulfilled. With this, A Slytherin-based project can be implemented but not limited to the following implementations:

Implementation Description
ContainerInterface Based on the PSR-11 standard and the main core component of the Slytherin.
Components The classic implementation of Slytherin prior to the PSR-11 standard.
IntegrationInterface Similar to ContainerInterface but it can be used for integrating third-party packages.
Application It is a quick implementation for creating Slytherin applications without specifying anything.


These are the only available implementations that are being currently used in Slytherin. It can be expanded into other implementations and the specified implementations can co-exist with each other.

← Creating Middlewares | "ContainerInterface" Implementation →