Dear github user, I created this project to keep track how much milk my daughter was consuming. The hope is to build a bunch of small sensors out of flex pcb and stick them on to the side of Medela milk bottles.
I searched for cheap BLE enabled MCU's and I found that the PSoC4 was a good match as it also has capsense which will make sensing quite cheap and simple.
So far this project is based on a couple of shields from Cypress plugged into each other:
- CY8CKIT-042-BLE(
- CY8CKIT-022 (
You'll need to remove R47 on CY8CKIT-042-BLE as it's hooked up to some USB to i2c converter thingy (and this hurts the capsense signal)
Use cases:
- Milk in to bank
- Milk out of bank
- Total milk in bank
- Discarding milk
- Freezing of milk
- Temperature of Milk
- Multiple banks
- Allow bottles to be washed without getting false readings
- Time and duration of feeding?
- Naming of each bottle
- Recharge with solar panel
- Run off a super capacitor rather then using a coin cell
- If the flex pcb is a sticker on the bottle, how do you wash the bottle?
- Will an alkaline coin cell suck in the fridge? How about the freezer?
- Can Bluetooth get through a fridge door?
- How can bottles be named?
Things I broke:
- CapSense_Sleep and CapSense_Wakeup. The manual (used for detecting liquid level) version of CapSense doesn't appear to have these functions.
- Low power mode. I disabled the ENABLE_LOW_POWER_MODE flag because UART and CapSense were not being respected before going to sleep
Ok bye, Richard