This is uac2 project for stm32 series F205/F405/F207/F407 with builtin OTG-HS can be use.
OTG-HS not come with internal HS PHY, you need USB3300 ULPI PHY chip.
note: This project not working with MS audio driver,Windows need UAC2 driver,eg:Xmos usb stereo driver
stereo driver support up to 32/192k,if you want 32/384,try JLaudio driver(device PID VID must charged).
and clock input must increse to 90MHZ/98MHZ because stm32 i2s minium is 256fs ...I dont tried.
I just tried 32/384 data rate is okay.USB Data not lost but i2s with 45/49MHZ clock only run 260khz max...
compiler and IDE: KEIL MDK-ARM
inital buggy release
fix: outEp descripter no async
fix: async ep1 data TX to PC,fix missing fb,now fb working.
fix: sample frequency setup(data receive must in EP0Rxready)
add: reset i2s engine when enter playing altset
fix: some var must add 'Voliate'
add: UART log ring buffer system,prevent 'while' when print logs.
- add: cmbacktrace
- and fixed :hardfault :IsoInincomptete jmp to null
- clean: uac1 uac2 code
- add: probably missing dma reset before play
thanks to:
uac2 code from
ALITENTEK devboard demo code (and ST demo code)
PCB thanksto: stm32f405+usb3300 DAPlink sch and PCB