If you don't have a kubernetes cluster installed, create one with this command:
gcloud container node-pools create ops-cluster --num-nodes=1 --cluster example-cluster \ --machine-type=n1-standard-8
get credentials for the new cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ops-cluster
clone this repo and move into it:
git clone [email protected]:raddaoui/spinnaker_gke_setup.git && cd spinnaker_gke_setup
open vars.rc file:
vi scripts/vars.rc
edit spinnaker_domain
to the domain name of your company and spinnaker_domain_email
to domain owner email of your company.
set a value for internal_endpoint
if you wish an internal_endpoint, set ingress_subnet
to the subnet where you installed the gke cluster
- install helm client in your machine
Hop on to the helm website and follow instructions to install the helm binary according to your CPU platform
install helm server(tiller) in your kubernetes cluster
make helm
install the nginx ingress controller NOTE: we are using the nginx ingress controller since we found issues when using the gce-controller for spinnaker ingress.
make nginx_controller
install cert manager: we will use cert manager to create a certificate for Spinnaker http endpoints: the UI and the API.
make cert_manager
install spinnaker:
make spinnaker
At this point, Spinnaker is installed but it's not exposed publicly and authentication is not enabled. in the next part we will cover steps to expose Spinnaker with a public ip and allow authentication through google using oauth2.
check out the service created by helm
kubectl get svc -n spin
create dns records for spinnaker
This step is not included in the automation since, this depends on where you're hosting your domain
first get the IP where spinnaker will get exposed
kubectl get svc nginx-ingress-controller -n nginx-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
Now move to your resitrar and create two A records with the ip you just got as shown below:
A spinnaker-api.$spinnaker_domain [Spinnaker IP]
A spinnaker.$spinnaker_domain [Spinnaker IP]
- verify you can login to the spinnaker UI
Wait some minutes for the DNS records to take effect and login to the spinnaker UI using the its domain name: spinnaker.$spinnaker_domain
- enable authentication to Spinnaker
As you can see Spinnaker is now deployed but its open to public. To enable authentication, we will use OAUTH2 with Google endpoints to offload authenication to Google
login to the halyard container with this command
kubectl exec -it spin-spinnaker-halyard-0 /bin/bash -n spin
we need to tauthorize the UI and API servers to receive requests at these urls:
spinnaker_domain=[put domain here]
hal config security ui edit \
--override-base-url https://spinnaker.$spinnaker_domain
hal config security api edit \
--override-base-url https://spinnaker-api.$spinnaker_domain
Navigate to the Google credentials manager, and create a new set of credentials:
Login to your project and press on Create credentials
, choose OAuth Client ID
Select Application type to Web application
. Put a name for client. In the Authorized redirect URIs
put https://spinnaker-api.$spinnaker_domain/login
A screen will pop up with your new Client ID
and client secret
Now go back to the terminal where you're logged in to the halyard container and run the following
CLIENT_ID=[put client ID here]
CLIENT_SECRET=[put client secret]
hal config security authn oauth2 edit --provider google \
--client-id $CLIENT_ID \
--client-secret $CLIENT_SECRET \
--pre-established-redirect-uri=https://spinnaker-api.$spinnaker_domain/login \
--user-info-requirements hd=${spinnaker_domain#*.}
hal config security authn oauth2 enable
NOTE: any user which satisfy user-info-requirements
is authorized to access the UI. Here, authorization is restrited to authenticated users with emails belonging to the root domain of Spinnaker.
Apply the configuration
hal deploy apply
test your authentication is working by visiting the spinnaker UI https://spinnaker.$spinnaker_domain/
Continue with this doc to learn how you can create CD pipelines for your application.
make remove_spinnaker
make remove_cert_manager
make remove_nginx_controller