The purpose if the project is to test applicants front-end coding abilities.
Requirements | Tools |
Mark up | HTML |
Styling | Sass, Bourbon, Neat |
Functionality | JavaScript, AngularJS |
Task Automation | GruntJS |
Package control | npm |
Download NodeJs here.
We use Grunt for as an automatic task runner. For reference:
Automation instructions are in GrunFile.js
Project dependencies are listed in package.json
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install
It installs all the dependencies listed in the package.json
You can use:
grunt --help
to see the list of grunt commands available.
npm module is used to run application on a node server. To use this feature please download chrome extension. Alternatively, you can include:
<script src="//localhost:8800/livereload.js"></script>
at the bottom of your page. For more information refer here.
$ grunt server
Starts a server and watches changes in static files and subsequently compiles, minifies and uglifies them if necessary.
$ grunt jshint
$ grunt test
Lints all Javascript.
If you need to add CORS to chrome here is an extension link, otherwise CORS requests(ex. places api) won't work.