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test-network issue

test-network issue #18

Workflow file for this run

name: test-network issue
# Specifying to only run on when a labeld pull request is merged to the master branch.
branches: [ "master" ]
# Adding this so that I can test my jobs and run workflows manually from the Actions tab in the repository (if use now it will skip over the workflow as there is no labeled PR)
# Defining my registry and image as variables for ease of use
IMAGE_NAME: san-est/go-ethereum-devops
# If statement to only run when the PR has a label.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: read
packages: write
id-token: write
# I checkout the repository
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Login to
- name: Login to registry
uses: docker/login-action@v2
registry: ${{ env.REGISTRY }}
username: ${{ }}
password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
# This pulls the image that we created in the docker-image.yml workflow from step.1
- name: Pull image
run: docker pull ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}:latest
# I run a container of the go-ethereum-devops image that is build with the first workflow so that I can deploy
# hardhat to it and copy over the files from the initialized hardhat project we have in the current github repo
# in the hardhat folder
- name: Running image container
run: |
echo "Workspace path: /workspace/hardhat"
docker run -d --name go-ethereum -p 8545:8545 -p 30303:30303 \
--networkid 5777 --nodiscover --http --http.addr --http.port 8545 \
--http.api personal,db,eth,net,web3 --allow-insecure-unlock --dev
# Here I copy over files from the current git repo over to the container
- name: Copy over hardhat files to running container
run: |
docker exec go-ethereum mkdir -p /workspace/hardhat
docker cp ${{ github.workspace }}/hardhat go-ethereum:/workspace/
docker exec go-ethereum ls /workspace/hardhat
docker exec go-ethereum ls -l /workspace/hardhat
#steps were added so i can troublshoot and see if the folder is mounted properly
# I isntall node.js and npm to the container
- name: Installing Node.js and npm
run: |
docker exec go-ethereum apk add --no-cache nodejs npm
# I install a local version of hardhat as I tried to do it with a remote installation but its not supported
- name: Install local version of hardhat
run: docker exec go-ethereum sh -c "cd /workspace/hardhat && npm install hardhat"
# I check if hardhat is installed
- name: Verify if Hardhat is installed
run: |
docker exec go-ethereum npx hardhat --version
# Deployment of sample contracts
- name: Deploy hardhat sample project
run: |
docker exec go-ethereum sh -c "cd /workspace/hardhat && yes | npx hardhat ignition deploy ./ignition/modules/Lock.js --network devnet"
# Testing contracts as per step No.4 of the task
- name: Testing contracts
run: |
docker exec go-ethereum sh -c "cd /workspace/hardhat && npx hardhat test --network devnet"
# The following steps build a new image with the installed local version of hardhat and its contracts applied
# and then uploads it to the registry
# the new image can be found here:
- name: Build a new docker image
run: |
docker commit go-ethereum go-eth-hardhat:latest
docker tag go-eth-hardhat:latest ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ github.repository_owner }}/go-eth-hardhat:latest
- name: Push new image to
run: docker push ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ github.repository_owner }}/go-eth-hardhat:latest