FF4J Serever :
Built using ff4j 1.8.X, boot-2. A GUI for the feature store(s), that multiple clients can connect to. Features can be managed, monitored from this app.
Happy Flipper Web App:
Happy flipper web app is a sample web application built using following
- SpringBoot2.1.6
- ThymeLeaf 3.XX
- Spring5, SpringSecurity5 etc...
- FF4J 1.8.X
- MySQL This application demos various feature toggling aspects and capabilities of FF4J, using mysql as the feature store.
FF4J CLI: FF4J CLI is the CLI capability to manage features. This is a demo CLI built using ff4j-cli, that connects to the above feature store. Simulates dev/qa environments and few clients and shows how CLI can easyly switich between environments and clients.