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Update invariants.jl
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streamline the necromancy function. Still lots of room for improvement though.
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sflammia committed Jun 28, 2024
1 parent d554da2 commit 9c8c72a
Showing 1 changed file with 96 additions and 95 deletions.
191 changes: 96 additions & 95 deletions src/invariants.jl
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Expand Up @@ -65,12 +65,11 @@ function _distinct_nonzero(v::Vector{<:T},prec::T) where T<:Real

@doc raw"""
necromancy( F::AdmissibleTuple [; max_prec = 2^23, verbose = false])
Compute numerical approximations to the ghost invariants of `F`.
The maximum number of bits used in integer relation finding is set to `max_prec` (default of 1 MB) and `verbose` can be toggled `true` or `false`.
The maximum number of bits used in integer relation finding is set to `max_prec` (default of 1 Mb) and `verbose` can be toggled `true` or `false`.
# Examples
Expand All @@ -88,12 +87,13 @@ true
function necromancy(F::AdmissibleTuple;
max_prec::Integer = 2^23,
overlap_precision_max_tol::Float64 = 1e-6,
overlap_target_prec::Integer = 256,
base::Integer = 2,
verbose::Bool = false)
max_prec::Integer = 2^20,
overlap_tol::Float64 = 1e-6,
overlap_prec::Integer = 256,
base::Integer = 2,
verbose::Bool = false)
# Ensure that we have initialized the class field for F
verbose && println(F)
d = Int(F.d)
Expand All @@ -107,147 +107,148 @@ function necromancy(F::AdmissibleTuple;
r, n = length(ords), prod(ords)

# get a low-precision ghost
prec = 128
prec = 64
setprecision(BigFloat, prec; base = 2)
verbose && println("Computing the ghost.")
ψ = (verbose ? (@time ghost(F)) : ghost(F) )
x = zeros(Complex{Float64},d)
# initialize for the (potentially shifted) sic overlaps
x = Array{Complex{BigFloat}}(undef,Tuple(ords)...)

# new target precision.
max_prec < 128 && error("max_prec should be at least 128 bits.")
while prec max_prec
verbose && println("target precision ≥ $prec bits")
prec *= 2
# define some test flags
finite_invariants = true
complex_phases = true
unique_intersections = true

# this is a hack since too much precision makes it hard to converge,
# and d = 5 is so small that we already overshoot at 256.
if d == 5; prec = 200; end
verbose && println("\n$prec bit target precision.")

# bump up the precision
verbose && println("Current precision = ",precision(real(ψ[1]))," bits.")
verbose && println("Current working precision = ",precision(real(ψ[1]))," bits.")
ψ = precision_bump( ψ, prec; base = 2, verbose = verbose)
ϕ = circshift(reverse(ψ),1)
ϕ .*= (BigFloat(d+1))/ϕ'ψ # include normalization factors
verbose && println("new precision = ",precision(real(ψ[1]))," bits")

# compute the ghost overlaps
verbose && println("Computing the high-precision ghost overlaps.")
K = ( verbose ? (@time [ real'wh(p,ψ)) for p in porb]) :
[ real'wh(p,ψ)) for p in porb] )
(verbose ? (@time K = [ real'wh(p,ψ)) for p in porb])
: K = [ real'wh(p,ψ)) for p in porb])

# compute the ghost invariants
verbose && println("Computing the ghost invariants.")
a,b,s = ( verbose ? (@time _ghost_invariants(K)) : _ghost_invariants(K) )
a,b,s = _ghost_invariants(K)

# sign-switch to the SIC invariants.
verbose && println("Sign-switching to the SIC invariants.")
# create a high precision embedding map and sign-switching automorphism
fH = x -> BigFloat.(real.(evaluation_function( eH, prec).(x)))
primalbasis = fH.(hb)
dualbasis = fH.(gb)
_fH(x) = BigFloat.(real.(evaluation_function( eH, prec).(x)))
primalbasis = _fH.(hb)
dualbasis = _fH.(gb)
_dual(x) = _dualize( primalbasis, dualbasis, x )
# sign-switch
# sign-switch and test for finiteness
for j=1:r
a[j] = _dual.(a[j])
finite_invariants &= all(isfinite.(a[j]))
!finite_invariants && break

b[j] = _dual.(b[j])
finite_invariants &= all(isfinite.(b[j]))
!finite_invariants && break

s[j] = _dual.(s[j])
s[j] = reverse(pow_to_elem_sym_poly(s[j]))
finite_invariants &= all(isfinite.(s[j]))
!finite_invariants && break
# println("Invariants are finite? ",finite_invariants)
# println("\nPrecision of ghost is: ",precision(real(ψ[1])))
setprecision( BigFloat, 320; base=2)
# println("Precision of ghost after setprecision is: ",precision(real(ψ[1])),"\n")
if !finite_invariants
verbose && println("Some SIC invariants were not finite.\n ...Doubling precision.")
verbose && finite_invariants && println("All SIC invariants are finite.")
# From this point on we are in SIC world.

# Lower the precision back to standard BigFloat plus a 64-bit buffer.
# NOTE: This line forces a lot of recomputation with ghosts.
# Basically, we need to precision bump from this baseline each time instead of the previous level of precision.
# However, if we keep the high precision then it is very slow to compute roots.
setprecision( BigFloat, 320; base=2)

# if any of the invariants are Nan or Inf, try again.
finite_invariants = all(map( x -> all(isfinite.(x)), a))
finite_invariants &= all(map( x -> all(isfinite.(x)), b))
finite_invariants &= all(map( x -> all(isfinite.(x)), s))

if !finite_invariants
verbose && println("Some invariants were infinite.\n ...Doubling precision.")
θ = map( x -> -roots(BigFloat.(x)) , s)
# println("θ = ",θ)

# Compute c', map to elementary symmetric polynomials
# then find roots to get K'
L = Matrix{Complex{BigFloat}}[]
for j = 1:r
θprime = [ θ[j][1] ]
for k = 2:ords[j]
push!( θprime, dot( b[j], [ θprime[k-1]^n for n=0:(ords[j]-1) ] ) )
push!( L, Vandermonde(θprime) * a[j] )
for t = 1:ords[j]
L[j][t,:] = -roots( reverse(pow_to_elem_sym_poly(L[j][t,:])) )
L[j] = L[j] / sqrt(BigFloat(F.d)+1)
# These should all be approximate phases
# println("all(abs.(L[$j]) .≈ 1)? ", all(abs.(L[j]) .≈ 1) )
# Compute c', map to elementary symmetric polynomials
# then find roots to get K'
θ = map( x -> -roots(BigFloat.(x)) , s)
L = Matrix{Complex{BigFloat}}[]
for j = 1:r
θprime = [ θ[j][1] ]
for k = 2:ords[j]
push!( θprime, dot( b[j], [ θprime[k-1]^n for n=0:(ords[j]-1) ] ) )

# now intersect to get x, which is nu up to an unknown Galois action.
unique_intersections = true
x = Array{Complex{BigFloat}}(undef,Tuple(ords)...)
# x = zeros(Complex{BigFloat},Tuple(ords)...)
for k = 0:n-1
t = radix(k,ords) .+ 1
Kt = Tuple([ L[j][t[j],:] for j = 1:r])
# println("Sizes of Kt = ",map(size,Kt),"\n\n")
# println(maximum(map(x->norm(abs.(x).-1),Kt)))
# intersect at 128-bit precision by default
a = reduce( (x,y) -> _approx_complex_intersection(x,y; prec = 256÷2), Kt)
# println("sizes of Kt = ",map(size,Kt))
# println("\n\n|Kt| = ",map(x->abs.(x),Kt),"\n\n")
if length(a) == 1 # the intersection is indeed unique
x[t...] = a[1]
verbose && println("Intersection error.\n Doubling precision.")
unique_intersections = false
push!( L, Vandermonde(θprime) * a[j] )
for t = 1:ords[j]
L[j][t,:] = -roots( reverse(pow_to_elem_sym_poly(L[j][t,:])) )

# if intersections are unique, return to the original BigFloat precision
L[j] = L[j] / sqrt(BigFloat(d+1))
# These should all be approximate phases,
# otherwise break and try again
complex_phases &= all(abs.(L[j]) .≈ 1)
!complex_phases && break
if !complex_phases
verbose && println("Some SIC overlaps were not complex phases.\n ...Doubling precision.")
verbose && println("All SIC overlaps are complex phases.")

# now intersect to get x, which is nu up to an unknown Galois action.
for k = 0:n-1
t = radix(k,ords) .+ 1
Kt = Tuple([ L[j][t[j],:] for j = 1:r])
# intersect at 128-bit precision by default
a = reduce( (x,y) -> _approx_complex_intersection(x,y; prec = 128), Kt)
unique_intersections &= (length(a) == 1)
if unique_intersections
setprecision( BigFloat, 256; base=2)
x = complex.( BigFloat.(real.(x)), BigFloat.(imag.(x)) )
if all(abs.(x[:]) .≈ 1.0)
# return x # this will just return the overlap phases
verbose && println("All SIC overlaps are phases!")
break # break the while loop
verbose && println("Some outputs aren't complex phases.\n Doubling precision.")
x[t...] = a[1]
verbose && println("Intersection error...\n Doubling precision.")
# if we run out of precision, return to standard BigFloat precision and err.
prec *= 2
if (prec > max_prec)
setprecision( BigFloat, 256; base=2)
error("max_prec exceeded without convergence.")
# print("\n")
!unique_intersections && continue
verbose && println("All intersections are unique.\n")
# the only way we can get to here is if
# finite_invariants && complex_phases && unique_intersections
end # while

# Return to standard BigFloat precision
setprecision( BigFloat, 256; base=2)
(prec > max_prec) && error("max_prec exceeded without convergence.")
x = complex.( BigFloat.(real.(x)), BigFloat.(imag.(x)) )

# if we ran out of precision, return to standard BigFloat precision and err.

# Now try every shift in the Galois group until one of them gives a SIC
verbose && println("Now searching through Galois shifts and using matrix completion.")
for k = 0:n-1
ψ = matrix_completion(circshift(x,radix(k,ords)),F)
sot = sic_frame_test(ψ)
if sot < overlap_precision_max_tol
verbose && println("Fiducial vector found with frame equations correct to ≤ $sot.")
sft = sic_frame_test(ψ)
if sft < overlap_tol
verbose && println("Fiducial vector found with frame equations correct to ≤ $sft.")

verbose && println("Increasing precision...")
# need to implement precision bumping for SICs.
# Finally, improve the precision again to standard BigFloat.
z = re_im_proj(Complex{BigFloat}.(ψ))
buffer_bits = 10
precision_bump!(z, _sic_olp_func, overlap_target_prec + buffer_bits; base = base, verbose = verbose)
precision_bump!(z, _sic_olp_func, overlap_prec + buffer_bits; base = base, verbose = verbose)
ψ = re_im_proj(z)
ψ = ψ/sqrt'ψ)
z = reim(ψ)
# round down the the desired precision so that the new precision of BigFloat is predictable
return BigFloat.(z[1]) + im*BigFloat.(z[2])
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