This project represents a collection of visuals / wall hacks (Tracers, ESP, Boxes (2D & 3D), Head Dots & Crosshair). This script is also undetected because it uses Synapse X's Drawing Library.
- Fixed Alive & Team Check
- Optimized Source Even More
- Replaced Crosshair with new Crosshair V2
- Fixed some other minor bugs
This project is completely free and open sourced. But, that does not mean you own rights to it. Read this document for more information. You can re-use / stitch this script or any system of this project into any of your repositories, as long as you credit the developer Exunys.
- This script will not run unless your exploit supports / includes these following functions / libraries:
- This script will store your changed settings every 10 seconds passed or upon leaving. You can also disable this feature, tutorial on how will appear later on in this document.
- This script is indeed universal, but it might not run on games with specific character constructions (custom characters).
- A recommended exploit to run this script on is Synapse X.
The script's environment is stored as:
More on how to configure the visuals below this part.
This script includes settings which can be easily configured to your preference.
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals = {
ESPSettings = {
Enabled = true,
TextColor = "20, 90, 255",
TextSize = 14,
Center = true,
Outline = true,
OutlineColor = "0, 0, 0",
TextTransparency = 0.7,
TextFont = Drawing.Fonts.Monospace, -- UI, System, Plex, Monospace
DisplayDistance = true,
DisplayHealth = true,
DisplayName = true
TracersSettings = {
Enabled = true,
Type = 1, -- 1 - Bottom; 2 - Center; 3 - Mouse
Transparency = 0.7,
Thickness = 1,
Color = "50, 120, 255"
BoxSettings = {
Enabled = true,
Type = 1; -- 1 - 3D; 2 - 2D;
Color = "50, 120, 255",
Transparency = 0.7,
Thickness = 1,
Filled = false, -- For 2D
Increase = 1
HeadDotSettings = {
Enabled = true,
Color = "50, 120, 255",
Transparency = 0.5,
Thickness = 1,
Filled = true,
Sides = 30,
Size = 2
getgenv().WallHack.Crosshair = {
CrosshairSettings = {
Enabled = true,
Type = 1, -- 1 - Mouse; 2 - Center
Size = 12,
Thickness = 1,
Color = "0, 255, 0",
Transparency = 1,
GapSize = 5,
CenterDot = false,
CenterDotColor = "0, 255, 0",
CenterDotSize = 1,
CenterDotTransparency = 1,
CenterDotFilled = true
Parts = {
LeftLine = getgenv().WallHack.Crosshair.CrosshairSettings.Parts.LeftLine,
RightLine = getgenv().WallHack.Crosshair.CrosshairSettings.Parts.RightLine,
TopLine = getgenv().WallHack.Crosshair.CrosshairSettings.Parts.TopLine,
BottomLine = getgenv().WallHack.Crosshair.CrosshairSettings.Parts.BottomLine,
CenterDot = getgenv().WallHack.Crosshair.CrosshairSettings.CenterDot
getgenv().WallHack.Settings = {
SendNotifications = true,
SaveSettings = true, -- Re-execute upon changing
ReloadOnTeleport = true,
Enabled = true,
TeamCheck = false,
AliveCheck = true
- You can also find the JSON format (which is the way they get stored) here.
- The Lua format of the settings / the factory reset script can be found here. (The Main script must be ran in the background before executing this script)
By reading the visual representation of the configuration part of the environment table, it should be pretty easy to configure the script afterwards. Here are some examples:
The following script will disable the visuals temporarily:
getgenv().WallHack.Settings.Enabled = false
You can also change the color of some type of visual, say, tracers:
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.TracersSettings.Color = "50, 255, 70" -- The colors must be fed as strings in RGB format. [(R)ed (0 - 255); (G)reen (0 - 255); (B)lue (0 - 255)]
The script only accepts RGB configurations in strings as colors, if you input anything else, the script will break and not execute. Read below on how to fix this.
You can also disable some visual incase you don't find it useful / don't need it:
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.ESPSettings.Enabled = false
The options are endless, you can configure the visuals in any way you desire.
Read about the input types and more information about the drawing library in use for the visuals (to learn how to configure them) here.
If the script is not running upon execution, try a few of the solutions below:
- There is possibly a configuration that is unacceptable at most cases. Execute this script and restart your game for changes to take effect.
- Open your exploit's root folder, find a folder named
and look for a folder namedExunys Developer
. Once you find it, delete this folder and restart your game.
If none of these solutions work, check if your exploit is supported (read the Notices part). If the script still doesn't work, contact Exunys & report the problem you are experiencing in detail.
Check if your exploit is supported here.
This script includes built-in functions to control the Wall Hack. The functions can be accessed by indexing Functions in the Environment. Example:
- Exits (unexecutes) the script and leaves no traces back.
- Restarts the script, good for incase the script starts lagging.
- Factory resets the settings and wipes the previous ones that were saved to the workspace.
- Exit
- Restart
- Reset Settings
Settings for the picture above:
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.ESPSettings.Enabled = false
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.TracersSettings.Type = 3
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.BoxSettings.Type = 2
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.HeadDotSettings.Color = "255, 50, 50"
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.BoxSettings.Color = "100, 255, 100"
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.TracersSettings.Color = "150, 40, 60"
Settings for the picture above:
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.ESPSettings.DisplayName = false
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.ESPSettings.DisplayHealth = false
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.ESPSettings.TextColor = "255, 50, 255"
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.ESPSettings.Outline = false
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.TracersSettings.Enabled = false
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.BoxSettings.Type = 2
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.HeadDotSettings.Color = "200, 50, 200"
getgenv().WallHack.Visuals.BoxSettings.Color = "200, 50, 200"
The video above presents the Environment.Functions:ResetSettings()
function. Read the Functions part for more.
The video above presents the Environment.Functions:Exit()
function. Read the Functions part for more.
Load the script by copying it from here or by executing the code below.
--// Script
--// Variables
local Environment = getgenv().WallHack
--// Script / Global Settings
Environment.Settings.Enabled = true
Environment.Settings.TeamCheck = false
Environment.Settings.AliveCheck = true
--// Visuals Settings
Environment.Visuals.ESPSettings.Enabled = true
Environment.Visuals.TracersSettings.Enabled = true
Environment.Visuals.BoxSettings.Enabled = true
Environment.Visuals.HeadDotSettings.Enabled = true
--// Crosshair
Environment.Crosshair.CrosshairSettings.Enabled = true