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How to contribute with translations?

Amaury Martiny edited this page Apr 17, 2019 · 2 revisions


Do I need to know how to code to contribute with translations?

No! You can do the entire translation without any prior knowledge of coding. You can also use Github's online editor to add your translations directly to the repository.

Getting Started

Step 1. Copy the content of the English translations.

The English translations are found on this link. They contain all the texts that are present in the application and that need to be translated.

The first step is to copy the content of this file into your clipboard, so that we can paste it in our new language file.

Step 2. Create a new language file.

Create a new language file here. The file name should be xx.json, where xx are the 2 letters that represent the ISO 639-1 Code of the language. For example, to create a German translation, you should name the file de.json.

Step 3. Paste the English translation into the new file, and start translating.

In the online editor, paste the content of the English translations. Then, you can start translating.

Each line contains one translation. The format is the following:

"codename_in_code": "Translated text."

The left part of the colon :, "codename_in_code" represents a small label that we use in the code to know where to place the translations: they should not be modified. The right part of the colon : is the translated text. Open the app on your mobile and look where each text is placed, and find a good translation for that text.

Please make sure to respect the punctuation, capitalization and line breaks (denoted by the \n character).

Step 4. Submit your translation.

Click on the Propose new file button on the button once you have finished translating. Thanks a lot for the effort!


If you encounter any troubles or have any doubts, please create an issue here, and we'll do our best to help you.