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Your final challenge for the week, compete against your cohort in a game of wild tic tac toe!

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RL for Wild Tic-Tac-Toe ⭕❌

Wild Tic-Tac-Toe is a twist on the classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe.

Wild Tic-Tac-Toe. Player 1 = blue. Player 2 = red

Rules of Wild Tic-Tac-Toe ⭕

Like normal Tic-Tac-Toe, both players attempt to play 3 of the same counter (O or X) in a row on a 3 x 3 grid.

The twist is that both players can choose to play an O or a X on any move. The winner is whoever plays the 3rd X or O in a line (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) of X's or O's.

Wild Tic-Tac-Toe win. Blue has won here (since blue played last & completed the line of 3)

In the image above, you can see a win for blue (player 1) resulting from 3 X's, 2 of which were played by blue and 1 by red (player 2). Player 1 goes first, so has placed the winning counter here.

Wild Tic-Tac-Toe game in progress. Red to play next.

In this image, you can see an ongoing game. You are player 2, playing the red counters. There are 12 possible moves you could make, since you can place an X or an O on any empty space.

Think about why it may be wise to play an O here!

Your task is to build a Reinforcement Learning agent that plays Wild Tic-Tac-Toe.

Competition Rules 📜

  1. You must build a Reinforcement Learning agent
    • Rules-based agents aren't allowed!
  2. You can only write code in and you can only store data in a dictionary (saved in a .pkl file by save_dictionary()*)
    • In the competition, your agent will call the choose_move() function in to select a move
    • Any code not in will not be used.
    • Check your submission is valid with check_submission()
  3. Submission deadline: 5pm GMT, Sunday.
    • Hit SUBMIT in the top right of replit.
    • You can update your code after you submit, but not after the deadline.

*save_dictionary() is a function in

Competition Format ⚔️

The competition will consist of your AI playing other teams' AIs 1-v-1 in a knockout tournament fashion.

Since going first gives an advantage, each 1-v-1 matchup consists of a pair of games. Each player starts one of the 2 games. In the event of a tie, it will go to a sudden-death duel 💀 (tiebreaker games). These 'duels' will be pairs of games with 1 player starting each game.

The competition & discussion will be in Gather Town at 5pm GMT on Saturday (30 mins after submission deadline)!

Example knockout tournament tree

Technical Details 🔨

The choose_move() Function

In the competition, the choose_move() function is called to make your next move.


  1. The board - a flat list of strings "" for empty, "X" or "O", where the grid below shows how the list index corresponds to locations on the board. E.g. top left corner is the first element of the list.
0 | 1 | 2
3 | 4 | 5
6 | 7 | 8

E.g. ["O", "", "", "O", "", "X", "", "", "X"] represents:

O |   |
O |   | X
  |   | X
  1. The Python Dictionary you have saved as a .pkl file

choose_move() outputs a tuple of:

  1. The location to place the counter in as an integer 0 <= location <= 8
  2. The counter to place (either Cell.X or Cell.O - these are defined in

The train() Function

Write this function to build the dictionary that your choose_move function will use. You just need to return the dictionary to save it and it will automatically be loaded into choose_move for you.


  • Value function dictionary that you've trained (this should then saved by save_dictionary() so you can submit a .pkl file)Start by discussing the problem with your partner. Write down what the state, the action & the rewards are for this game.

The render() Function

Plays a single graphical game against a randomly moving opponent. You play as the blue team.


  • choose_move (a function) - your choose_move function which takes just the state as input -
WildTictactoeEnv class The environment class controls the game and runs the opponent. It should be used for training your agent.

See example usage in play_wild_ttt_game().

The opponent's choose_move function is input at initialisation (when WildTictactoeEnv(opponent_choose_move) is called). The first player is chosen at random when WildTictactoeEnv.reset() is called. Every time you call WildTictactoeEnv.step(), 2 moves are taken: yours and then your opponent's.

Both WildTictactoeEnv.step() and WildTictactoeEnv.reset() have verbose arguments which print debugging info to console when set to True.
WildTictactoeEnv documentation:

.reset(): starts a new game with a clean board and 
          randomly chosen first player. If your 
          opponent moves first, they take their 1st move. 

.step():  Make a move. This function takes three 
          arguments: position & counter (see 
          choose_move() for more info) and verbose 
          - whether to print the state of the
          board after each move. It returns a 
          tuple of length 4 (see 'Variables' 

Both reset and step return the same 4 variables:
    observation (List[int]): The state of the board as a 
                             list of ints (see choose_move)
    reward [1, 0, -1]: The reward after the current 
                       move. 1 = win, 0 = draw, -1 = loss.
    done (bool): True if the game is over, False otherwise.
    info (dict): Additional information about the current 
                 state of the game.
                 "winner": game winner, if one exists.
                 "player_move": next player to take a move

Guidance on Building a Winning Agent 🏆

  1. Start by discussing the problem with your partner. Write down what the state, the action & the rewards are for this game.
    • Ie what should your policy take as input & what should it output?
    • Does that take into account the other team's turn?
  2. What should differ between training and playing for real in the competition? How should this be reflected in your code?
  3. What agent do you want to train your agent against? And what do you want to test your agent against?
  4. Think about the values of different states. Draw them out.
    • Check the value function of these states in your dictionary
    • Think about how your update rule should work, given you want to look 1 state ahead when acting greedily.
    • 🚨 You and your opponent can play the same moves, so a state you win from is a bad state to move into. You will need to change the update rule to reflect this!! 🚨
  5. Read the docstrings in, particularly the WildTictactoeEnv class
  6. Not working? Print, debug & test! Particularly with machine learning, it's very difficult to know if your training algorithm & agent does what you think it does.
    • Print out variables to check they are what you think they are, or that they change in the way you expect them to change
    • Write short tests (e.g. check your agent picks a winning move when choosing greedily, or that it doesn't throw away the game when it could)

Tips on using Replit 🧑‍💻

  • Change the Indent Size to 4 which changes how many spaces a TAB adds in Replit (4 space indentation is standard throughout all Python libraries).
  • Change Layout to side-by-side (this one is more a personal-preference thing, but I find it much nicer!)
  • Run (big green button in the top middle) runs the file. Even if you have another file selected, it only ever runs

Where to find Replit settings can be seen in the screenshot below.

Where to find Replit settings


Your final challenge for the week, compete against your cohort in a game of wild tic tac toe!






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