The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist olegsoft/first-or-create "dev-master"
use olegsoft\firstOrCreate\FirstOrCreate;
class ModelTable extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
use FirstOrCreate;
use app\models\ModelTable;
//public static function firstOrNew($attributes, $values = [])
$model = ModelTable::firstOrNew(['id' => 50]);
$model = ModelTable::firstOrNew(['id' => 50], ['sort' => 10]);
//Returns a single of the ActiveRecord model instance that matches the values of the $attribute array values
//or returns a new instance of the ActiveRecord model
//with properties corresponding to the values of the $attributes array + values of the $values array
//public static function firstOrCreate($attributes, $values = [])
$model = ModelTable::firstOrCreate(['id' => 50]);
$model = ModelTable::firstOrCreate(['id' => 50], ['sort' => 10]);
//Returns a single of the ActiveRecord model instance that matches the values of the $attribute array values
//or returns a new instance of the ActiveRecord model
//with properties corresponding to the values of the $attributes array + values of the $values array and save it
//public static function updateOrCreate($attributes, $values = [])
$model = ModelTable::updateOrCreate(['id' => 50]);
$model = ModelTable::updateOrCreate(['id' => 50], ['sort' => 10]);
//Finds the model from the passed attributes,
//if the model is found, then assign the values of the $values and save it
//if the model is not found, then create it with the values $attributes + $value and save it
//public static function firstOrFail($attributes)
$model = ModelTable::firstOrFail(['id' => 50]);
//Return the model with the passed attributes, if the model is not found, then the HTTP 404 exception will be thrown
//public static function findOrFail($attributes)
$models = ModelTable::findOrFail(['id' => 50]);
//Returns array of models by the passed attributes, if no model is found, then the HTTP 404 exception will be thrown