An application that takes user inputs and builds an email signature.
This is a React application built via create-react-app. There are 3 major dependencies:
- Node.js
- Heroku CLI
- yarn
- If Node is installed, yarn can also be added via npm install yarn -g
Concurrently watches for SASS and runs the app in the development mode on port 3000. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page and console reload when you make changes. You may also see any errors in the console.
Deploys to the development website
Make sure the current branch is development!
As opposed to production, development includes "homepage": ""
Checkout development and git pull all necessary changes in. Then run yarn deploy-development
. This runs the script
heroku git:remote -a sigbuild && git push heroku development:main
, which adds a remote for heroku to read, then uses it to
deploy to the main/production branch of SigBuild.
For first-time setup, you may need to run heroku login
before attempting to deploy. This affords heroku deployment access.
Additionally, only Heroku collaborators can deploy to production. In Heroku, collaborators are currently [email protected] and [email protected].
Deploys to the production site
Make sure the current branch is production!
production includes "homepage": ""
in the package.json.
Through the package.json, it just eventually runs the predeploy and deploy scripts:
"scripts": {
"predeploy": "yarn build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
yarn build
bundles React in production mode and optimizes the code.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. gh-pages -d build
is the command that
actually deploys the app to GitHub Pages.
The following considerations have arisen while developing the application.
- Fix Whitespace text nodes error
- Add choices among fonts
- Add color picker
- Add image upload functionality
- Add additional detail functionality
- Sizes lock aspect ratio checkbox
- Add useStyles
This is the current build for production and development. Development is now instead of Production is now instead of More SASS classes were added via the _helpers partials.
CSS is developmentally replaced by SASS, which preprocesses on save via the Live Sass Compiler VSCode extension. The application fully uses yarn instead of npm. MiniCssExtractPlugin errors are fixed via the package.json resolutions workaround. No major frontend changes were made in particular, just the SASS and yarn upgrades. This is the last build using before merging to the SigBuild organization.
React Redux is implemented over unnecessary prop traversals. Signatures update realtime and on autofill. App uses yarn run build instead of npm run build, although the yarn.lock file and its implementation has yet to work because of MiniCssExtractPlugin errors.
Line height can now be changed via a slider, and the mobile version includes a navigation bar at the bottom. Other cosmetic changes like margins were made. 1.0.1 upgrades from Material-UI 4 to MUI 5.
Version 1.0.0 is the first working production copy of SigBuild. It is currently running fine on The build uses Material-UI instead of custom CSS.
There isn't really a build pre-1.0.0. Version 0.9.0 ultimately marks the pre-development stage. There has yet to be a development build in static form.
Install yarn with npm install yarn -g
Add C:\Windows\System32 to the global PATH environment variable.
We need to use this Mars React Buildpack and add it to Heroku.