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Actions: sismo-core/sismo-hub

Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod)



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35 workflow runs
35 workflow runs

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[factory]: Adding new esim group (#2286)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #252: Commit 6ddc477 pushed by sismobot
December 31, 2024 08:01 19m 41s main
December 31, 2024 08:01 19m 41s
[factory]: Adding new git-auth group (#2283)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #251: Commit 2c78dee pushed by sismobot
March 22, 2024 21:37 5m 23s main
March 22, 2024 21:37 5m 23s
[factory]: Adding new proyectico group (#2282)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #250: Commit b9cb4f9 pushed by sismobot
March 21, 2024 02:32 4m 47s main
March 21, 2024 02:32 4m 47s
[factory]: Adding new beng group (#2281)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #249: Commit 91541cf pushed by sismobot
February 3, 2024 06:55 4m 49s main
February 3, 2024 06:55 4m 49s
[factory]: Adding new dfadsdf group (#2278)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #248: Commit c0e3191 pushed by sismobot
December 12, 2023 13:32 25m 2s main
December 12, 2023 13:32 25m 2s
feat: decrease provisioned concurrency
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #247: Commit 6f738df pushed by leosayous21
November 24, 2023 11:50 5m 11s main
November 24, 2023 11:50 5m 11s
[factory]: Adding new airdrop group (#2272)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #246: Commit 63385d6 pushed by sismobot
November 18, 2023 08:54 7m 59s main
November 18, 2023 08:54 7m 59s
[factory]: Adding new wagmi-repo-stargazers group (#2271)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #245: Commit 52243a3 pushed by sismobot
November 15, 2023 11:23 6m 44s main
November 15, 2023 11:23 6m 44s
Update father-dairy group data (#2270)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #244: Commit f76ea31 pushed by yum0e
October 31, 2023 12:30 6m 49s main
October 31, 2023 12:30 6m 49s
[factory]: Adding new father-dairy group (#2269)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #243: Commit cb14e88 pushed by sismobot
October 30, 2023 18:50 7m 4s main
October 30, 2023 18:50 7m 4s
[factory]: Adding new contributors-and-stargazer group (#2268)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #242: Commit 063a3f4 pushed by sismobot
October 30, 2023 18:17 7m 54s main
October 30, 2023 18:17 7m 54s
Update groups-of-physics (#2267)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #241: Commit fd0bbcc pushed by yum0e
October 29, 2023 22:25 12m 5s main
October 29, 2023 22:25 12m 5s
Update group-of-math-students (#2266)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #240: Commit 2a41a96 pushed by yum0e
October 29, 2023 22:24 6m 16s main
October 29, 2023 22:24 6m 16s
[factory]: Add new group-of-math-students group (#2263)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #239: Commit a9cddcf pushed by yum0e
October 29, 2023 19:55 23m 34s main
October 29, 2023 19:55 23m 34s
Update Twitter badge (#2244)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #238: Commit c4658c6 pushed by yum0e
October 29, 2023 19:50 22m 59s main
October 29, 2023 19:50 22m 59s
Update group-of-chemistry-students (#2265)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #237: Commit 2e1e816 pushed by yum0e
October 29, 2023 19:50 16m 53s main
October 29, 2023 19:50 16m 53s
Update groups-of-science data (#2264)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #236: Commit e2b341e pushed by yum0e
October 29, 2023 19:49 11m 0s main
October 29, 2023 19:49 11m 0s
[factory]: Add new groups-of-physics group (#2261)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #235: Commit f889133 pushed by yum0e
October 29, 2023 19:46 7m 31s main
October 29, 2023 19:46 7m 31s
[factory]: Adding new group-of-chemistry-students group (#2262)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #234: Commit 9828cc2 pushed by sismobot
October 28, 2023 07:50 10m 0s main
October 28, 2023 07:50 10m 0s
[factory]: Adding new groups-of-science group (#2260)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #233: Commit 196b8ba pushed by sismobot
October 28, 2023 07:47 6m 13s main
October 28, 2023 07:47 6m 13s
[factory]: Adding new developer-dao-guild-members group (#2259)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #232: Commit 3a2b724 pushed by sismobot
October 23, 2023 13:02 8m 17s main
October 23, 2023 13:02 8m 17s
[factory]: Add new blockaids-testing group (#2251)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #231: Commit b9b225c pushed by yum0e
October 23, 2023 07:44 8m 59s main
October 23, 2023 07:44 8m 59s
[factory]: Adding new test-groupp group (#2249)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #230: Commit bb77fdb pushed by yum0e
October 23, 2023 07:38 8m 24s main
October 23, 2023 07:38 8m 24s
[factory]: Adding new hold-olas group (#2258)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #229: Commit 8f22463 pushed by sismobot
October 22, 2023 14:55 14m 27s main
October 22, 2023 14:55 14m 27s
[factory]: Adding new olas group (#2257)
Generate Groups and Send on-chain (prod) #228: Commit 9693b8b pushed by sismobot
October 22, 2023 14:39 23m 9s main
October 22, 2023 14:39 23m 9s