md5/sha256 the static files(eg. javascript, style, image files) and change the hash strings in the quoted file. Forked from gulp-md5-assets.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/main.css?56318d54ed" />
.gf {
background-image: url(./img/goldenfinger.jpg);
.gf {
background-image: url(./img/goldenfinger.jpg?56318d54ed);
First, install gulp-assets-plus
as a development dependency:
npm i --save-dev gulp-assets-plus
Then, add the code below to your gulpfile.js
Example 1: Md5 all css files in the src folder and change these css names in the quoted html.
var hashAssets = require("gulp-assets-plus");
Example 2: First, optimize all images in the img folder including all sub folders; then sha256 all these images limited to a length of 6 and change these images'names in the quoted css files.
gulp.task('img' ,function() {
var imgSrc = './static/img/**';
var quoteSrc = './output/static/css/**/*.css',
var imgDst = './output/static/img';
return gulp.src(imgSrc)
.pipe(hashAssets(quoteSrc, {
size: 6,
algorithm: 'sha256'
the directory of the md5ed files in the imgDst folder is the same as that of original files in the imgSrc folder; and css files can refer the image file with the same name in different folder rightly.
Type: String
Default: null
Optionnal: the file need to replace the file name of the hashed files. Dir is also supported.
.pipe(hashAssets('./output/html/*.html'), {size: 6})
The sample above will append the md5 hash(length: 6) to each of the file in the static/js
folder then repalce the link file name in the output/html/
using md5ed file name; at last store all of that into the output
Type: String
Default: 7
Optionnal: you can pass the size to limit the size of the hash that is appended.
Type: String
Default: null
Optionnal: you can declare the assets folder manually when the assets path is different to the quoted source.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
.pipe(hashAssets('./output/html/*.html'), {
assetsPath: 'dist/'
Type: String
Default: null
Optionnal: you can declare the quotes folder manually when quoted source is diffrent from actual Path (rewritten).
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
.pipe(hashAssets('./output/html/*.html'), {
quotedPath: 'rewrite_to_css/'
Type: String
| Array
Default: null
Optionnal: you can pass a whitelist array to filter the files you don't want to add the hash. For example: use ['base', 'jquery']
will ignore all the files which contains 'base' or 'jquery' in the filename, it's useful when you don't want to add hash to some file.
Type: String
| Array
Default: null
Optionnal: you can pass an ignore string/array to filter the files with this hash. For example: use ['debug']
or 'debug'
will ignore these files when you quote them like <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/main.css?debug" />
. It's useful when you change some file frequently during development, but don't forget to remove that string before publish.
Type: String
Default: 'md5'
Optionnal: generate hash digests using the given algorithm. On recent releases of OpenSSL, openssl list-message-digest-algorithms
will display the available digest algorithms. See more at Node.js Documentation.
MIT License