This telegram bot can be used to launch commands or scripts and see their output
Simply run:
$ make
Bin file will appear in ./build directory
To build deb-package you will need fpm:
Once installed, just run:
$ make deb
Deb-package will appear in ./build directory
$ tgcommander -h
Usage: tgcommander [-c configFile] [-h] [-v]
-c string
Path to config file (default "config.yaml")
-h Show this help
-v Show version information
Configuration file is YAML-file
#create bot in @BotFather and get token
#list of user IDs who is allowed to use bot
#can be found in @userinfobot
users: []
#message to send to non-allowed users
declineMessage: "go away"
#list of buttons
#name of button
- name: name1
#row number on keyboard
row: 0
command: "ls"
arguments: ["-l", "-a"]
#send output of command
output: true
- name: name2
row: 1
command: "./"
- name: name3
row: 1
command: "echo"
arguments: ["Hello world"]
output: true
Download or build deb-package. Then:
$ sudo dpkg -i tgcommander-x.x.x-x86_64.deb
Then you should edit config /etc/tgcommander/config.yaml
Start bot:
$ sudo systemctl start tgcommander.service
Stop bot:
$ sudo systemctl stop tgcommander.service
Enable autostart:
$ sudo systemctl enable tgcommander.service