Laravel Chat is a package to make on your own app a chat with multi users and private conversations.
This package use redis and to better performance.
Install redis on your server.
nmp install
nmp install ioredis
Download laravel chat package to your project
composer require "socieboy/chat" "dev-master"
Then execute the command
Composer update
Place the service provider on your app.php config file.
Now execute the command.
php artisan chat:tables
Then run
php artisan migrate
Update the AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers trait of the laravel auth controller. This trait is updated to fire events when a new user has been logged in and out.
Publish the scripts and styles with the command
php artisan vendor:publish
Set up on your master view page the fallow code. On the meta tags area between the <head></head> tags.
<meta name="token" id="token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">
Also you have to add the style scripts.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url('css/chat.css') }}"/>
Same thing with the JS files required, make sure to place them in end before to close the <body><\body> tag.
<script src="{{ asset('js/') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url('js/chat.js') }}"></script>
Run redis on your server
Then on your project folder execute this code
node socket.js