The SoCKit Development Kit presents a robust hardware design platform built around the Altera Cyclone V System-on-Chip (SoC) FPGA, which integrates an ARM-based hard processor system (HPS) consisting of processor, peripherals and memory interfaces tied seamlessly with a 110K Logic Elements FPGA fabric using a high-bandwidth interconnect backbone. The SoCKit development board includes hardware such as high-speed DDR3 memory, video and audio capabilities, Ethernet networking, and much more.
The folders contain the following information:
Tutorials: Basic tutorials for learning how to use Quartus (Block diagram editor and Verilog code editor), Platform designer (Qsys), Intel SoC EDS (Embedded Development Suite).
Projects: Contains different interesting projects
Cores: Some cores I've made/ported
Beta Projects: Work in progress projects
Templates: Ready made templates for your projects
Mister: Info about the Mister port
Documents: Various useful documentation (schematics, images, ...)
Others: Some other content
Contributing is needed to increase the amount of resources and projects available to the community. Any language can be used for documenting the projects.
Se necesita la colaboración para poder incrementar los recursos disponibles para la comunidad entorno esta placa de desarrollo. La documentación que acompañe los proyectos puede estar redactada en cualquier idioma.
- Community support
MiSTer port:
Main MiSTer port site
Mister SDRAM expansion
Info about the port
Comparison of ported cores between platforms
ao486 core for