Simple web-based chatroom-application based and improved on the design from book Node.js in Action, First Edition by Mike Cantelon, Marc Harter, T.J. Holowaychuk and Nathan Rajlich.
Changes from the original design:
- Migrated to current up-to-date (2.2.0) version of Socket.IO (was: 0.9.6).
- Mime upgraded from 1.2.7 to current up-to-date (2.4.0) version.
- Migration changed the Default room behavior. Socket.IO now creates a room with random, unguessable, unique identifier. Fixed this by leaving from the room when user connects
- Added client-side timestamps to messages (tested this with two browser that were set to two different time zones)
- Block users trying to join same room again and inform about it on chat.
- Differentiate first time connection with a function when joining the lobby, rather than using default room change-function
- Display user names currently in current chat room
- Added autoscrolling for application messages
- Added autoscrolling for other users messages
- Added highlight for your own messages
- Added notification of users leaving a room
- Display to which room was changed
- Add notification of users leaving the chat