1. Create a new developer account https://developer.okta.com
3. Make sure you take write down your Okta URL after you’ve signed up. And sing in with user/password
Single Sign-On URL: https://localhost:8080/saml/SSO
Use this for Recipient URL and Destination URL: YES
Audience URI: https://localhost:8080/saml/metadata
Select the following two options:
• I’m an Okta customer adding an internal app
• This is an internal app that we have created
And copy the Identity Provider metadata link. It will be use in spring boot application configuration.
the Identity Provider metadata link: https://dev-82083850.okta.com/app/exk1cnq4xcw6JcqQo5d7/sso/saml/metadata
12. The final setup step you’ll need is to assign people to the application. Before that you have to add people
From left side select Directory -> People -> Add Person
15. Click on the Assignments tab in your application and the Assign > Assign to People button. You’ll see a list of people with your account in it.
server.port = 8080
server.ssl.enabled = true
server.ssl.key-alias = spring
server.ssl.key-store = classpath:saml/keystore.jks
server.ssl.key-store-password = secret
security.saml2.metadata-url = <your metadata url>
- here metadata url: https://dev-82083850.okta.com/app/exk1cnq4xcw6JcqQo5d7/sso/saml/metadata
keytool -genkey-v-keystore keystore.jks -alias spring -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Add password secret when prompted for a keystore password and Save this jks file into project /resources/saml/ directory