- Instructor and class intros
- Ice breaker (three things to bring to an island)
- Intro to course and tools
- Intro to web dev lecture
- How does a browser render a webpage
- Browser vs. server code & front-end vs. back-end development
- What are HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- What tools to front-end developers use
- HTML code along using codepen
- Hello world to show how tags give meaning to content
- p, ul, ol, li, h1..h3
- links
- href attribute
- images
- src and alt attributes
- absolute and relative URLs
- comments
- HTML file structure
- html, head, title, body
- Code your resume in HTML markup
- Homework review
- Doctypes and HTML validation
- Block and inline elements
- HTML structure tags
- divs, spans
- Common HTML attributes
- id, class
- HTML5 structure tags
- section, article, header, footer
- CSS code along
- syntax and terminology
- selectors
- colors
- font styles
- CSS box model
- width, height, margin, padding, border
- Update your resume using CSS
- Creating boxes (pair programming challenge)
- Finish your resume using CSS
- Build the two webpages in the design folder
- Homework review
- External stylesheets
- CSS selectors in more detail
- CSS positioning
- static, relative, absolute, fixed
- Column layouts
- float/clear
- line-block
- Creating boxes part 2 (pair programming challenge)
- Creating layouts
- Build the webpage in the design folder
- Homework review
- HTML forms and styles
- HTML tables and styles
- Job board code along
- Continue to work on job board layout
- Homework review
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Intro command line and Node.js
- CSS preprocessors
- Finish job board layout optionally using Bootstrap and/or LESS
- Treks layout optionally using Bootstrap and/or LESS
Note: topics this class will require Node.js to be installed
- Intro to programming
- Word problems
- Create a program that will add two numbers and display the answer
- Create a program that will add or subtract two numbers and display the answer
- Create a program that will get the sum of the numbers between 1 and n and display the answer
- Hello World in JavaScript using node
- JavaScript basics
- data types
- expressions
- operators
- variables
- conditionals
- functions
- Code along to do the first two word problems in JavaScript (execute using node not a browser)
- Complete the following word problems in JavaScript (execute using node not a browser)
- Write a function that takes two numbers as parameters and logs which one is larger. So if you give it 5 and 10, it will say something like '10 is larger than 5'
- Modify the above function to now tell if you if the numbers are the same as well as which one is larger (if in fact one is larger). So for instance if you give it 5 and 5, it will say 'they are the same', if you give it 3 and 4, it will say '4 is larger than 3'
- Modify the fullName function from class to always display the names with all capital letters even if the parameters are all lowercase (hint: this requires a function built into JavaScript, ask Google and I'm you'll find it)
JavaScript basics cont.
- functions in more detail
- return
- loops
- arrays
- objects
- functions in more detail
Shopping cart code along
Word problems
- Create a program to get the sum of the numbers in an array
- Exercisess on github
- JavaScript in the browser
- places to write JavaScript
- using the console
- alert and prompt
- JavaScript and the DOM
- Intro to jQuery
- selectors
- events
- DOM manipulation
Take two of the exercises from the last homework and create a UI for them using jQuery. There's no wrong answer for this as long as it works, so be creative! Bonus points for using Bootstrap to make it look good.
If you want more of a challenge, try to implement the jQuery fadeOut() function on your own without jQuery (hint: you probably want to use a function called setInterval() or setTimeout())
- Task manager group project
- One on one meetings with students
- Finish the task manager project, either with or without objects
- Intro to Ajax
- Events in more detail
- Task manager with an API
- Creating an API using Node.js
- Testing JavaScript
- Jasmine
- Selenium
- Advanced JS topics
- ES6
- Design patterns
- Intro to JS MVC frameworks using AngularJS
- More advanced HTML/CSS layouts
- How to launch a website
- Work on final projects
- Mobile websites
- Data visualization
- Student choice
- Work on final projects
- Final project presentations