Easy-to-use package for interacting with the CSGOEmpire Trading API.
Feel free to create a discussion in the repository if you've got a question. Any issues should be reported in the issues tab directly.
npm install csgoempire-wrapper
// CommonJS
const { CSGOEmpire } = require('csgoempire-wrapper');
// ES6
import { CSGOEmpire } from 'csgoempire-wrapper';
// API-key can be created on https://csgoempire.com/trading/apikey
const account = new CSGOEmpire('YOUR_API_KEY');
On top of this, it's also possible to customize the account further by passing in a configuration object. These are the default options, but they can be customized as needed.
new CSGOEmpire('YOUR_API_KEY', {
connectToSocket: true,
baseApiUrl: 'https://csgoempire.com/api/v2',
tradeSocketUrl: 'wss://trade.csgoempire.com/trade',
matchSocketUrl: 'wss://roulette.csgoempire.com/matchbetting',
// Retrieve inventory
const inventory = await account.getInventory();
// Find the first item with a price above 10 coins
let item = inventory.items.find(item => item.market_value > 10);
// Deposit it for +25%
// Cancel pending deposit
// Sell to highest bidder
// Retrieve 160 first items on withdrawal page (automatically synced with websocket)
const shop = await account.queryWithdrawItems();
// Attempt to withdraw the first item on the page
// Retrieve 160 first items on withdrawal page (automatically synced with websocket)
const shop = await account.queryWithdrawItems();
// Automatically places a bid for 1% higher than the current price
Returns an object containing DepositItems and WithdrawItems.
// Retrive all active deposits/withdrawals
const trades = await account.getActiveTrades();
/* trades = {
deposits: DepositItem[],
withdrawals: WithdrawItem[],
} */
Returns an array of DepositItem objects.
// Retrive all active deposits/withdrawals
const auctions = await account.getActiveAuctions();
// auctions = DepositItem[]
Returns an array of Match objects.
// Retrive all active deposits/withdrawals
const matches = await account.getMatches();
// matches = Match[]
steam_api_key: 'YOUR_STEAM_API_KEY',
trade_url: 'https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=YOUR_STEAM_ID&token=YOUR_TRADELINK_TOKEN'
Pull requests are welcome! Please do your best to keep the code + commits clean and readable though.