Table of Contents
[Lesson 1: How the Web Works](#Lesson-1-How-the-Web- Works)
Lesson 8: User Accounts and Security
Web basics: HTML, URLs, HTTP, web apps
Word Wide Web:
- Collection of HTML documents
Browsers make requests via Internet to server using a protocol called HTTP
Servers respond with files that the browser displays
HTTP: The main protocol of the web
Server: Computers that host the files that make up the web
Internet: The world’s largest computer network
Browser: A program that runs on your computer to display files found on the web.
HTML: HyperText Markup Language
- Made out of text content, markup (what it looks like), references to other docs, links to other pages
tag: For emphasis, to make things italicized -
HTML attributes
<tag attr=”value”>content</tag>
- Anchor tag
<a href = “url”></a>
- Image tag
<img src = “url” alt = “text”>
Void tag- no closing tag needed
- E.g.
- E.g.
inline elements:
block element:
URL: Uniform Resource Locator
- http => protocol
=> host- / => path
Query Parameters
- E.g.
- Formatting: name = value (i.e. name => p and value => 1)
- E.g.
- E.g.
- Request is not sent to server. Fragment only exists in browser.
- E.g.
- E.g.
- E.g.
HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol
- Browser uses this to talk to web servers
- Request line:
GET /foo HTTP/1.1
- method => GET (or POST)
- path => /foo
- version: HTTP/1.1 (or 1.0)
Request headers
- E.g. User-Agent: Chrome
- Sent in HTTP request
HTTP Responses
- Request (request line):
GET /foo HTTP/1.1
- Response (status line):
HTTP/1.1 200 ok
- 200 => status code
- ok => reason phrase
- Status Codes
- 200 => success
- 300 => do something different to find doc (i.e. located somewhere else)
- 400 => error on the browser side
- 500 => error on the server side
- Headers
- Date, Server (i.e. Apache/ 2.2.3), Content-Type (i.e. text/ html), Content-Length
- Request (request line):
- Purpose: respond to HTTP requests
- Server response types:
- static: pre-written file, images
- dynamic: content made on the fly by a web application
- static: pre-written file, images
Form method
- Default: get
- Options: get, post
GET method
- Parameters (data) are included in the url
- Used for fetching documents
- Limited by a max URL length
- Ok to cache (so you don’t have to request it new every time)
- Shouldn’t change the server. Can make multiple of the same GET requests and the server shouldn’t change.
POST method
- Parameters included the request body
- Used for updating data
- No max length
- Not ok to cache b/c updating data on the server
- Ok to change server (that’s the point of a post request)
Form input types
- Default: text
- Password type: Should be used for entering passwords on forms, but the password is not sent securely to your server since the parameter is shown in the URL
- Checkbox: The value for the parameter is “on” when checked. The parameter doesn’t appear in the URL if it is left unchecked.
- Radio: Behaves the same way as checkboxes, except you cannot uncheck them.
- Give all the radio buttons in a group the same “name”, so that only one option can be selected at a time. Then, give each option an appropriate “value” parameter, so that the URL will reflect the selected radio button option accurately.
Label element
Used to label each input in a form
<form> <label> One <input type = "radio" name = "q" value = "one"> </label> </form>
<form> <select name = "q"> <option value = “1”>One</option> <option value = “2”>Two</option> <option value = “3”>Three</option> </select> </form>
Form Validation
- User could input junk into the server, so must validate the query parameters
- String substitution (Python)
- E.g.
“My name is %s” % Stephanie
- E.g.
**“Here are two things: %(hobby)s and %(color)s” %{“hobby”: “reading”, “color”: “blue”}**
- E.g.
- Prevents HTML from being rendered as HTML tags.
- Can import cgi module in python to use the “cgi.escape” function to escape string
- “ =>
- > =>
- < =>
- & =>
- “ =>
Redirect after form submission, so that reloading the page doesn’t resubmit the form and so that you can separate forms and submission successful pages.
- Use a string to enter html (with triple quotes)
- E.g.
html = """ """
- E.g.
- Template Library: Library to build complicated strings (i.e. html)
- E.g.
in Python- Escape all user input before displaying it on the page or processing to prevent HTML injection
- Make sure to enable auto-escaping for all variables in the templating language
- E.g.
- Use templates to:
- Minimize HTML in code (separate the two)
- Make code more readable and organized
- Make more secure websites (escaping user input)
Database: A program that stores and retrieves large amounts of data.
Types of databases
- Relational: Uses SQL. E.g. Postgresql, MySQL, sqlite, Oracle
- NoSQL: E.g. mongo, couch
SQL: Structured Query Language
- E.g.
SELECT * FROM links WHERE submitter_id = 5 AND votes > 23
- Order by
- E.g.
SELECT * FROM links WHERE votes > 10 ORDER BY votes DESC
- Default: Ascending
- E.g.
- Joins
- Used for multiple tables, but rarely used in web software
- E.g.
SELECT link.* FROM link, user WHERE link.user_id = AND = ‘spez’
- Finds the name ‘spez’ in the table ‘user’ and then finds where ‘user_id’ in the table ‘link’ matches the ‘id’ in the table ‘user.’
- E.g.
Sequential scan
- Loop through all entries in table to find the specific item
- Slow with a lot of data
Indexes (i.e. Hash tables)
- Increases the speed of queries
- Maps a key to a value
Hash table
- Not sorted, but look-ups are fast (constant time)
- Sorted, but look-ups are slower (log n time)
To grow a database that won’t fit on one machine, shard the database, meaning the data is spread across multiple machines.
- Atomicity: All parts of a transaction succeed or fail together
- A transaction groups together multiple commands
- Consistency: The DB will always be consistent
- DB will move from one valid transaction to the next (i.e. items that get updated under the same conditions must all get updated)
- Isolation: No transaction can interfere with another transaction
- Durability: Once the transaction is committed, it won’t be lost
- Even if DB crashes, the data won’t be lost
- Atomicity: All parts of a transaction succeed or fail together
Trade-offs exists with every DB system
: Preformatted text (preserves whitespace)
- Replace
in order to render the new lines in the text that the user submits
Cookies: Small (< 4Kb) piece of data stored in the browser for a website.
- Format: name = value (i.e. user_id = 12345)
- Usually stores temporary info that a browser wants to store, like if you’re logged into a website
Browser sends request to server. Server sends back cookie data in a http header as a response.
Browser stores the cookie that is associated with the website. So, every time the browser returns to the website, it sends the cookie back to the server.
Browser-enforced limitations: ~20 cookies/ website, < 4kb / cookie, cookie associated with only 1 particular cookie for security reasons
Cookies are sent in HTTP headers
- Http response e.g:
set-cookie: user_id = 12345; domain:; path = /; Expires: Tue, 1 Jan 2005 00:00:00 GMT
- Http request e.g.:
cookie: user_id = 12345; last-seen: Dec 25 1985
- Can restrict a cookie to a specific path on the website
- Domain controls which domain a browser will send a cookie to
- Domain must contain at least two periods (i.e.
) - Can set cookies to expire at a particular time. By default, cookies expire when the browser is closed i.e. when the session has ended.
- Http response e.g:
In Mac/ Linux terminal to see the headers: E.g.
curl -I
Cookies can also be set in the browser using dev tools
- In JavaScript console:
- In JavaScript console:
Hash: A function that can be applied to some data to produce some output.
- H(x) -> y, where x is data and y is a fixed length bit string (~32-256 bits)
- Difficult to generate a specific y
- Infeasible to find x for a given y (cannot be reverse engineered)
- Can’t modify x without modifying y
Hash algorithms
- crc32: checksums used to verify that the entire file has been received properly, collisions are easy to find but doesn’t matter b/c not used for security, fast
- md5: fast, seemed secure but not anymore, collisions are easy to find
- sha1: secure-ish
- sha256: pretty good, but slow
- Collision: Two inputs hash to the same value. Collisions should be hard to find.
Hashing in Python
import hashlib x = hashlib.md5(“foo”)
Hashing Cookies
set-cookie: visits = 5, [hashed value]
- To check if a cookie has been tampered with, make sure that the rehashed value is equal to the hash that was sent. Otherwise, reset or discard cookie value.
- However, if the hashing algorithm is known, a hacker could use that algorithm to hash the new value of the cookie. To combat this, instead of just hashing the value, you would hash the value + secret.
- HMAC: Hash-based Message Authetication Code
Similar to
for hashing, but also incorporates a secret to create the hash value.import hmac"secret", "message").hexdigest()
Password hashing
Passwords should not be stored as plain text in a database (in the case of the database being compromised), but should instead be stored as a hashed value.
However, even hashed passwords are not completely safe.
Rainbow table: Comprehensive hash table mappings of plain text to hashed values. Makes it easy to look up the mappings for a given hash algorithm.
Salt: Similiar to secrets, but consists of random characters that are added to the plan text values before being hashed.
Be careful about 3rd party libraries for password hashing.
Most hashing functions are designed to be fast, which is fine in the case of verifying cookies. But in the case of verifying passwords, it might be better to have a slower hashing function to account for computers getting faster.
- bcrypt (instead of sha256) uses an additional parameter that determines how slow the hashing will take
When submitting passwords in forms, the values can be easily seen in the URL. The passwords are also being sent in plaintext over the Internet.
The solution is to use HTTPs, which is HTTP encrypted over SSL.