Here's a list of free web resources I've used to learn about web development, programming languages, and all things software.
⭐ - Recommended
⌛ - In progress
❗ - Haven't used yet (Need to try out)
- Codecademy ⭐
- Learn programming language basics with hands-on exercises
- Upcase
- Learn more intermediate SW skills
- Udacity: Intro to Backend ⌛
- Udacity: Full Stack Foundations❗
- Recommended Prerequisites:
- SoloLearn (Used the iOS app)
- Learn programming language basics on your phone
- .Net Academy - Learn C#
CSS Diner : Game to learn CSS selectors
Flexbox Froggy: Game to learn CSS flexbox
CSS Grid Garden: Game to learn CSS grid
- The Odin Project ⌛
- Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, HTML/ CSS
- Ada Developer Academy
- Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, HTML/ CSS
- Django Girls
- Intro to web technologies using Python and Django
- FreeCodeCamp
- Crash Course: Computer Science ⌛
- Rithm School
- Open-source curriculum with JavaScript and Python
- Flatiron School: Coding Bootcamp Prep ⌛
- JavaScript, Ruby, Interview Prep
- Wes Bos: 30 Day JavaScript Challenge - [My Code] ⭐
- Let's Build That App: Node and Express REST API Tutorial - [My Code] ⭐
- Let's Build That App: React Movies Search with MovieDB API ⌛
Thinkster: Full Stack Web Apps
- Build a full stack web app with the option of React or Angular with Node, Django, or Rails
- blog post on getting started withj embedded software
Making Embedded Systems: Design Patterns for Great Software (Book by Elecia White)
- Chingu: Collaborate with others on software projects for learning purposes
These repos contain the results from following the tutorials above.