XReSign allows you to sign or resign unencrypted ipa-files with certificate for which you hold the corresponding private key. Checked for developer, ad-hoc and enterprise distribution.
In addition to GUI app, you can find, inside Scripts folder, xresign.sh script to run resign task from the command line.
$ ./xresign.sh -s path -c certificate [-e entitlements] [-p path] [-b identifier]
-s path to ipa file which you want to sign/resign
-c signing certificate Common Name from Keychain
-e new entitlements to change (Optional)
-p path to mobile provisioning file (Optional)
-b bundle identifier (Optional)
Inspired by such great tool as iReSign and other command line scripts to resign the ipa files. Unfortunately a lot of them not supported today. So this is an attempt to support resign the app bundle components both through the GUI application and through the command line script.