A comfortable way to manage ./configure options.
$ ./comfigure help
comfigure 1.3 Copyright 2002 Jochen Suckfuell, License: GNU GPL
Usage: comfigure [command(s)] <configure options>
If no command is given, supplied configure options will be stored. If no
command and no configure options are given, the last used options will be used
if possible.
Commands are:
interactive ask each time before using stored options.
(this is the default if the version has changed)
new force new entry, even if no options are given
use_old use old options without asking even if the stored version is
older and there are new configure options (only applies if no
configure options are given)
add add more options to the stored options
show show configuration for the current directory or for all named
programs and exit
showall show all known programs with version and date of configuration
and exit
forget forget configuration for the current directory or for all named
programs and exit. Everything after the 'forget' command will
be interpreted as a program name (even 'interactive', so be
exec take the following argument as executable instead of
help display this help and exit
--help invokes './configure --help' and exits