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Merge pull request #271 from Neurosim-lab/development
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PR from development to master - VERSION 0.7.5
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salvadord authored Dec 3, 2017
2 parents 4d07b2b + fd9f3c1 commit 5f82753
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Showing 120 changed files with 5,958 additions and 3,080 deletions.
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions
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# Version 0.7.5

- Improved NeuroML conversion support

- Make cfg.checkErrors = True by default, but set to False if using multiple cores or batch

- Added methods to rename netParams dict keys in a nested format (needed for GUI)

- Added analysis.plotSpikeStats() func to plot stats of cell rates, ISI CVs and synchronies

- Added analysis.calculateRate() func to calculate avg and peak rate of pop subset at time range

- Added analysis.plotRates() func to plot avg and peak rate of different pop subsets at time range

- Added option to include list of pops or cells in 'include' arguments e.g. include=[['E4','E2'], [1,3]]

- Added cfg.compactConnFormat option to replace conns dict format with compact list format

- Added option to plotConn() and plot2Dnet() to load data from compact format json files

- Adapted python2 code so conversion to python3 via 2to3 command works straight away

- Added 'instantiate' argument to sim.load function

- Added 'dpi' argument to analysis.plotSpikeHist()

- Replaced init()/h.stdinit() with finitialize() so h.v_init and h.dt get set properly

- Removed call to h.stdrun() but made v_init a global in cfg.hParams and initialized h.tstop to cfg.duration

- Fixed bug setting globals that don't exist

- Fixed issue setting global variables when loading from json

- Fixed issue to make convergence+divergence connections randomization more robust and efficient (issue #254)

- Fixed bug in colors of plotSpikeHist

- Fixed bug in replaceDictODict() that lead to wrong results when importing cells

- Fixed bug when using sim.gatherOnlySimData

- Fixed bugs in saveLoadV1 example

- Fixed bug when generating subConn with createNEURONObj=False

# Version 0.7.4

- Added polarity param to analysis.plotEPSPAmp()
Expand All @@ -14,6 +60,7 @@

- Fixed bug that removed previously existing element from path during importCellParams()

# Version 0.7.3

- Option to create section lists based on y displacement from soma (addCellParamsSecList)
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Functions to read and plot figures from the batch simulation results.
Contributors: [email protected]

import json
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
from itertools import product
from pprint import pprint
from netpyne import specs

# Function to read batch data
def readBatchData(dataFolder, batchLabel, loadAll=False, saveAll=True, vars=None, maxCombs=None, listCombs=None):
# load from previously saved file with all data
if loadAll:
print '\nLoading single file with all data...'
filename = '%s/%s/%s_allData.json' % (dataFolder, batchLabel, batchLabel)
with open(filename, 'r') as fileObj:
dataLoad = json.load(fileObj, object_pairs_hook=specs.OrderedDict)
params = dataLoad['params']
data = dataLoad['data']
return params, data

if isinstance(listCombs, basestring):
filename = str(listCombs)
with open(filename, 'r') as fileObj:
dataLoad = json.load(fileObj)
listCombs = dataLoad['paramsMatch']

# read the batch file and cfg
batchFile = '%s/%s_batch.json' % (dataFolder, batchLabel)
with open(batchFile, 'r') as fileObj:
b = json.load(fileObj)['batch']

# read params labels and ranges
params = b['params']

# reorder so grouped params come first
preorder = [p for p in params if 'group' in p and p['group']]
for p in params:
if p not in preorder: preorder.append(p)
params = preorder

# read vars from all files - store in dict
if b['method'] == 'grid':
labelList, valuesList = zip(*[(p['label'], p['values']) for p in params])
valueCombinations = product(*(valuesList))
indexCombinations = product(*[range(len(x)) for x in valuesList])
data = {}
print 'Reading data...'
missing = 0
for i,(iComb, pComb) in enumerate(zip(indexCombinations, valueCombinations)):
if (not maxCombs or i<= maxCombs) and (not listCombs or list(pComb) in listCombs):
print i, iComb
# read output file
iCombStr = ''.join([''.join('_'+str(i)) for i in iComb])
simLabel = b['batchLabel']+iCombStr
outFile = b['saveFolder']+'/'+simLabel+'.json'
with open(outFile, 'r') as fileObj:
output = json.load(fileObj, object_pairs_hook=specs.OrderedDict)
# save output file in data dict
data[iCombStr] = {}
data[iCombStr]['paramValues'] = pComb # store param values
if not vars: vars = output.keys()

for key in vars:
if isinstance(key, tuple):
container = output
for ikey in range(len(key)-1):
container = container[key[ikey]]
data[iCombStr][key[1]] = container[key[-1]]

elif isinstance(key, basestring):
data[iCombStr][key] = output[key]

print '... file missing'
missing = missing + 1
output = {}
missing = missing + 1

print '%d files missing' % (missing)

# save
if saveAll:
print 'Saving to single file with all data'
filename = '%s/%s_allData.json' % (dataFolder, batchLabel)
dataSave = {'params': params, 'data': data}
with open(filename, 'w') as fileObj:
json.dump(dataSave, fileObj)

return params, data

# Function to convert data to Pandas
def toPandas(params, data):
if 'simData' in data[data.keys()[0]]:
rows = [list(d['paramValues'])+[s for s in d['simData'].values()] for d in data.values()]
cols = [str(d['label']) for d in params]+[s for s in data[data.keys()[0]]['simData'].keys()]
rows = [list(d['paramValues'])+[s for s in d.values()] for d in data.values()]
cols = [str(d['label']) for d in params]+[s for s in data[data.keys()[0]].keys()]

df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=cols)
df['simLabel'] = data.keys()

for col in list(df.columns):
if col.startswith("[u'"):
colName = col.replace(", u'","_'").replace("[u","").replace("'","").replace("]","").replace(", ","_")
print colRename
df.columns = colRename

return df

# Function to colors and style of figures
def setPlotFormat(numColors=8):'seaborn-whitegrid')

plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 14
plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 12
plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 'large'

NUM_COLORS = numColors
colormap = plt.get_cmap('nipy_spectral')
colorlist = [colormap(1.*i/NUM_COLORS) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)]

plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=(cycler('color', colorlist)))

# Function to plot relation between parameters (tau2 and weight) and firing rate
def plot2DRate(dataFolder, batchLabel, params, data, par1, par2, val, valLabel, graphType='matrix', saveFile=None):
df = toPandas(params, data)
# dfpop = dfPopRates(df1, 7)

dfpop = df.iloc[:,0:5] # get param columns of all rows
# dfpop['simLabel'] = df['simLabel']
for k in df.popRates[0].keys(): dfpop[k] = [r[k] for r in df.popRates]
#return dfpop

print dfpop
# if not valLabel: valLabel = val
dfsubset = dfpop[[par1,par2,val]]
# dfgroup = dfsubset.groupby(by=[par1,par2])
# if groupStat=='first':
# dfgroup2 = dfgroup.first()
# elif groupStat=='last':
# dfgroup2 = dfgroup.last()
# elif groupStat=='mean':
# dfgroup2 = dfgroup.mean()
# elif groupStat=='sum':
# dfgroup2 = dfgroup.sum()
# dffinal = pd.DataFrame(dfgroup2).reset_index()

dfpiv = pd.pivot_table(dfsubset, index=par1, columns=par2, values=val)
# pandas.pivot_table(df,values='count',index='site_id',columns='week')
if graphType=='matrix':
sb.heatmap(dfpiv, square=True, cbar_kws={'label': valLabel})
elif graphType=='line':
setPlotFormat(numColors = len(dfpiv.columns))
#dfpiv = dfpiv[['IT2','IT4','IT5A','IT5B','PT5B','IT6','CT6']]
if saveFile:
print 'Error saving figure...'

# Function to read batch data and plot figure
def readPlot():
dataFolder = 'tut8_data/'
batchLabel = 'tauWeight'

params, data = readBatchData(dataFolder, batchLabel, loadAll=0, saveAll=1, vars=None, maxCombs=None)
plot2DRate(dataFolder, batchLabel, params, data, 'synMechTau2', 'connWeight', 'M', "'M' pop rate (Hz)")

# Main code
if __name__ == '__main__':

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions doc/source/code/
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from netpyne import specs
from netpyne.batch import Batch

def batchTauWeight():
# Create variable of type ordered dictionary (NetPyNE's customized version)
params = specs.ODict()

# fill in with parameters to explore and range of values (key has to coincide with a variable in simConfig)
params['synMechTau2'] = [3.0, 5.0, 7.0]
params['connWeight'] = [0.005, 0.01, 0.15]

# create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
b = Batch(params=params, cfgFile='', netParamsFile='',)

# Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
b.batchLabel = 'tauWeight'
b.saveFolder = 'tut8_data'
b.method = 'grid'
b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi',
'script': '',
'skip': True}

# Run batch simulations

# Main code
if __name__ == '__main__':

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions doc/source/code/
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
from netpyne import specs

# Simulation options
cfg = specs.SimConfig() # object of class SimConfig to store simulation configuration

cfg.duration = 1*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms
cfg.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use
cfg.verbose = False # Show detailed messages
cfg.recordTraces = {'V_soma':{'sec':'soma','loc':0.5,'var':'v'}} # Dict with traces to record
cfg.recordStep = 0.1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc)
cfg.filename = 'tut8' # Set file output name
cfg.saveJson = True
cfg.printPopAvgRates = True
cfg.analysis['plotRaster'] = {'saveFig': True} # Plot a raster
cfg.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': [20], 'saveFig': True} # Plot recorded traces for this list of cells

# Variable parameters (used in netParams)
cfg.synMechTau2 = 5
cfg.connWeight = 0.01
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/source/code/tut8_data/tauWeight_0_0.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions doc/source/code/tut8_data/tauWeight_0_0_cfg.json
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"simConfig": {
"addSynMechs": true,
"analysis": {
"plotRaster": {
"saveFig": true
"plotTraces": {
"include": [
"saveFig": true
"backupCfgFile": [],
"cache_efficient": false,
"checkErrors": false,
"checkErrorsVerbose": false,
"connWeight": 0.005,
"createNEURONObj": true,
"createPyStruct": true,
"cvode_active": false,
"cvode_atol": 0.001,
"dt": 0.025,
"duration": 1000.0,
"filename": "tut8",
"gatherOnlySimData": false,
"hParams": {
"celsius": 6.3,
"clamp_resist": 0.001
"includeParamsLabel": true,
"printPopAvgRates": true,
"printRunTime": false,
"recordCells": [],
"recordStep": 0.1,
"recordStim": false,
"recordTime": true,
"recordTraces": {
"V_soma": {
"loc": 0.5,
"sec": "soma",
"var": "v"
"saveCSV": false,
"saveCellConns": true,
"saveCellSecs": true,
"saveDat": false,
"saveDataInclude": [
"saveDpk": false,
"saveFolder": "tut8_data",
"saveHDF5": false,
"saveJson": true,
"saveMat": false,
"savePickle": false,
"saveTiming": false,
"seeds": {
"conn": 1,
"loc": 1,
"stim": 1
"simLabel": "tauWeight_0_0",
"synMechTau2": 3.0,
"timestampFilename": false,
"timing": true,
"tstop": 1000.0,
"verbose": false
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Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/source/code/tut8_data/tauWeight_0_1.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.


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