Version 0.6.5
Added support for artificial cells (without sections) (issue #44 )
A single NetStim (within a population) can now be connected to multiple cells (issue #113 )
VecStim populations use same params as NetStims and allows for pulses at arbitrary times with different rates
NetStim and VecStim population allow for a uniformly distributed rates in the form [min,max]
Added option to run batch sims via mpi and bulletin board (master/slave) (issue #108 )
netParams.shape paramter to select either 'cuboid', 'cylinder' or 'ellipsoid' network shape (issue #26 )
analysis.plot2Dnet() 'view' param to select frontal ('xy') or top-down ('xz') view
analysis.plotConn() option to plot stacked bar graph, select different pre and post pops, synMech and syns vs conns
Made distinction between number of connections and synaptic contacts (eg. can have 5 synsPerConn)
New function netParams.addCellParamsSecList to create list of sections based on distance from soma
Removed 'plast' and 'shape' from conns when not used (issue #177 )
Added option to center soma at origin when importing cell
Now using noiseFromRandom123() for NetStims() (issue #89 )
Fixed bug in readCmdLineArgs()
Fixed bug in saveData option of figure plots
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